Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Remember these from your childhood??? Who knew a little 99¢ box could provide so much fun and elicit so many giggles! Again... ...and again...and again! Even Hudson was excited to get in on the action! Sidewalk chalk is always fun!
{Can you see her little tongue sticking out in concentration??} And then there's those sweet little hands...still baby enough to show a bit of that sweet chubbiness that lasts but a fleeting time *sigh* Add a little vanilla ice cream and you've got yourself the perfect summer afternoon!
{Notice anything different?...a little someone is learning to use a spoon!!!!} Of course, its much more fun to drop it over and over and over again and watch mom retrieve it time and again. Hope your Summer is full of pop-its and chalk and ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. I loved these when I was young!!! Grace looked like she really enjoyed herself, and look at little Hudson....he is growing up too fast!


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