Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mickey Mail and the sweetest Autograph Books ever!

I have to be honest, when we first started planning our trip, I took one look at the Disney boards and became completely overwhelmed with all of the information out there.  Enter one of my sweet local friends {hi, Ash!}...she gave me the name of a Disney rep travel agent who was a godsend!!!  ThAnK yOU, Tammy - you made this the easiest trip to plan ever!!

I've been blessed to "meet" lots of sweet people through this blog and many of you have sent me Disney tips - thank you so much!!!  My sweet blog friend Andrea was kind enough to share with me info and pics from her family's recent trip to Disney.  I love many of her ideas, but one that stuck with me was "Mickey Mail", so I decided to have fun with it and here's the result...
I've been collecting little toys from Target, books from the littles' school book fairs, and even treats from Shabella's mickey birthday to put together little surprises for Grace & Hudson to open every morning...their very own Mickey Mail, complete with a note about the day's events.  Now these are just small things, because in all honesty the trip is their gift and I don't think anything else is needed, but I love doing these kinds of things so it was fun for me too :)
The notes will be in their Mickey folders every day.  I've planned fun things like the box of bandaids.  My littles love, I mean LOVE bandaids so on that day there will be a note telling them this:
"Mickey has a silly side too, so should you choose to accept this clubhouse mission here's what you need to have 3 minutes to cover yourself with ALL the bandaids in your box!!!  Ready set, hot diggity GO!"

Another sweet blog friend, Ashley {love her blog!} told me about these super sweet autograph books she found on etsy for her littles.  One look and I was sold!  Little Golden Books...enough said!  Dream Sea Designs makes custom Disney autograph books from new and old Little Golden Books.  You even get to pick your cover and the characters you want included inside!  There's not only room for autographs, but for photos too!!

Grace's book...
Look at these sweet pages!!!
Hudson's book...
More sweet pages...
Of course I had to add a little sweet dedication...
And the back! Looooove the back!!
I let the littles pick out who they wanted on the front cover of their books but did not show them the books when they came in two days ago, so this morning their Mickey Mail was their autograph books and a movie to watch on our flight to Orlando!
Yup, that's right. By the time you read this we will be on our way to the happiest place on earth!! Woo hoo!

I really have an angel of a mother. She volunteered to help me pack because she knows that when it comes to packing I'm the world's worst procrastinator. Packing really makes me break out in a cold sweat. Seriously. I owe ya BIG, Noonie!  Otherwise we might not have been on that super early flight!! ha!
Big, big thanks to Mimi & Pop for keeping Jaxon and big, big thanks to Noonie & Papa J for house sitting!!
Love you all!


  1. I know you all will have a "majically" time and it will be full of so many memories for the littles thanks to your fun planning!

  2. I just got back from Disney, I ran in the Wine & Dine Half... it was a trip without the kids. But, we are taking the kids this summer (probably in July). Disney is so magical right now with all of the Christmas decorations and they have icicles (lights) on the castle. So pretty! You will love! I LOVE those autograph books, I was thinking of buying some for my kids just this last weekend but I am glad I didn't! And, wow, your Mom has a lot of shoes crammed in that bag! Hee!

  3. Those books are amazing!!! I know y'all will have tons of fun!

  4. When you get a moment head over to my blog and check out a sweet girl wearing a special dress! It is not THE Christmas pictures, I can't wait for those.

    Love the disney. Can't wait to hear about the trip.

  5. Jess, did you wrap the Mickey Mail presents a head of time? Did you have problems going through security with them wrapped?
    We are going in November and I have been collecting little things for the girls. Was curious about wrapping them before hand and how to pack them?

  6. Hi, Laura,
    I did have them wrapped! I just put a G or H on the back of each one and the initial for the day I wanted to give it to them M-Sun. Didn't have trouble with security - thankfully!! ;)


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