...to this!
Sheer AGONY. No other way to describe it. I hurt my back...wish I could say I was skiing or zip lining or something else, but I have NO CLUE what I did to hurt my back!!! All I know is the day after 4th of July it started bothering me and when I woke up Saturday morning I couldn't stand straight or bend or squat or do anything else. Horrible feeling!!
{Sweet get-well picture Grace drew for me}
I took a hot shower and headed straight to quick care to see if they could help me. When the PA asked me to describe my pain, I told her this...
"With my daughter, the epidural never took completely, I had back labor, she was born "sunny side up" meaning posterior (face up instead of face down as with most babies). With my son, I had a bruised pubic bone/slight separated pelvis. I would gladly go through both without any type of anesthesia 10x over than deal with the pain I'm having right now."
{All etsy orders have been shipped! Hey, I had to do something - anything - to get my mind off the pain!}
A bunch of x-rays and 2 injections later, I was sent home with a prescription for pain killers and instructions to "rest" and "ice it down". I think they forgot I said I was a MOTHER because rest/ice when you have littles around goes about as well as oil and vinegar. Not to mention, I'm not much of a "resting" kind of person. But I did heed the advice and hung out on the sofa most of the weekend. Had no other choice.
{I did manage to make "magic potion smoothies" with the littles to break up the boredom of couch life!}
Two visit later to the chiropractor {there's a first for everything!} and LOTS of prayers and ice packs and I'm now feeling much better. Hated the Lortab, the Advil did nothing. What helped was Bayer Back & Body Extra Strength {found this by accident...went to Target and the 3 rows for this medicine were all out, except for the one lonesome bottle, so I took that as a good sign!} and some exercises a PT friend recommended.
{My sweet helper folding the laundry for me. Love her!}
I'm still not 100% pain free...have developed some numbness between my right hip and right knee that I'm working with and probably need to see a doctor about. But I'll take it over the condition I was in! Yes, ma'am, I will!
{Thank goodness for a doting daddy to give the littles a break with some fun activities!}
Oh and the pics of me in a swimsuit...yeah, I would have never in a million years posted those - I'm so NOT in shape where I want to be, but my littles took those while we were playing in the backyard having FUN, and after the week I've had, a certain little friend called PERSPECTIVE has decided to pay me a long-time visit and the reality is IMPERFECT body and all, I feel BLESSED to be WALKING around again, so vanity has for the time being taken a hike.
{taken today}
I'm starting on a HEALTH JOURNEY that involves every part of my life and that I hope will leave me in a much better place so that I can enjoy my DEAR FAMILY and this PRECIOUS LIFE even more than I already do and I thank my CREATOR for the awakening.
So here's to catching up in the next few days...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I have 2 bad discs in my back & it's usually something stupid that sets them off. I know back pain can be bad, but sitting still & resting usually does help. I'll have to look into those over the counter pain pills you mentioned. It's nice that you have some helpers to assist you! How sweet of your daughter to help with the laundry.
Take care of yourself!
Oh I am so sorry you have not been feeling well. Bad pain is so bad...really bad! I am happy you are feeling better!
I think you look wonderful in the pictures with the kids. :)
I was wondering where you were! So happy you are feeling better. And you look great btw. If i showed you how i looked in a bathing suit you would run for the hills :)Maybe i should remember what you said about PERSPECTIVE! The body is beautiful!
So sorry that you've not been feeling well :-( But glad hear you are on the mend. Prayers are coming your way for a full recovery. I thought the pics looked great of you and the kids.
I am so sorry to hear about your pain! I do hope it keeps getting better and better!
I too started a health journey 2 years ago, in the process I lost over 70 lbs and really do feel better now than I did in my 20's. You can do this, I'll be praying for you!
Bless your heart, so sorry to hear about the pain you've been in :( I have several family members who have terrible problems with their backs, they describe it as the most excruciating pain ever. LOVE your perspective...keep us posted on your progress with the health journey...I need the inspiration :)
Thanks for all the kindness!!!
Pre-kids I woke up one morning to get ready for work and I bent over and could not stand back up. I MIGHT have been 24. It was miserable pain. I've had sciatica with both of my pregnancies and that was rough, but the mysterious back injury was so much worse. Glad you're feeling better!
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