Our story goes something like this...
Girl and Boy are 12 years old and in the 8th grade. As fate would have it, Girl & Boy are placed in the same homeroom and the teacher's alphabetical order seating puts the Girl right in front of the Boy. Girl is new in town and Boy sets out to get to know her. They become friends and share many classes that year and in the next four years of high school, but they never date. Boy graduates Class President and Girl graduates Valedictorian. Along with their friends they go on a Senior Trip and then lose touch after graduation.
Fast forward nine years later to the year before their 10 yr. high school reunion. As fate would have it once again, Girl & Boy run into each other while out with friends. Boy has recently moved back after working a traveling job with the Government and now lives across from Girl. Boy & Girl start dating right after Thanksgiving (insert puffy heart here!). They travel, they have fun, and start thinking about the future.
Next fall, they travel to their hometown and during the weekend of their 10 yr. high school reunion, Boy decides to ask Girl to marry him...right at the junior high school where they met 15 years earlier. Girl says YES! Friends are surprised to find out that Boy & Girl ended up together after all these years and all of life's turns. Boy & Girl get voted "cutest couple" at reunion (ha, ha, ha).
Next Spring, Boy & Girl get married on a beautiful evening filled with family and friends. Girl & Boy go on the vacation of a lifetime to Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora and 10 months later, they are blessed with a beautiful baby girl, followed by a baby boy two years later.
And they lived happily ever after...
I must admit I was a little obsessed with tiffany blue, chocolate brown, and parasols!