Oh, January! You are always full of surprises.
We had some fun days like our American Girl/Lego Land/Rainforest Cafe excursion...
Grace with Grace!
So excited to use her Christmas money to get the new Girl of the Year, a baker named Grace! Thank you Mimi & Aunt Marilyn!
Such a gentleman...
So much pint-sized cuteness!
(and elephant-sized price tags! We better admire this one from afar.)
My kind of Legos!!
Sorted. Contained. By colors. OFF the floor - ha!
My kind of horror-movie nightmare...house of mirrors. Aaaaaaaaah!
Loved celebrating Noonie's birthday...
And hanging out with dear friends during a hometown visit...
I even snuck in a haircut and loved saying goodbye to the ever-growing number of grays...
But then, the dreaded stomach virus hit. And it hit HARD! Lance had it first, but when it hit Grace, it came with a vengeance. Poor baby girl ended up in the ER. I've said it before that throwing up is my kryptonite. Well, I had 32 chances in 12 hours to get over my little phobia. It was not pretty y'all. Seeing the little pumpkin like that was heartbreaking. 4 days later, she was finally on the mend. Thank you God!
So although I love your cozy sweater days, I'm happy to say Sayonara, January!
We're ready for all things pink + red around here!! And Spring SOCCER!
10 years ago today, my dear grandpa Abuelito went to be with Jesus. To say we miss him wouldn't do the hole in our hearts justice. He was the kindest man, a hard worker, a true gentleman...and he had the sweetest disposition and the gentlest soul. The Prayer of St. Francis was his favorite song/prayer and what I remember most about him is that he always made all of us feel so very loved.
Every day he and my grandma took coffee to work in a thermos like the one in the picture and at exactly 4:00 p.m. they drank their coffee and shared it with anyone who was there at their shop, often with a little treat on the side.
The littles and I had our own little "cafecito" today... hot cocoa to honor the kindest man I've ever known. We read St. Francis' Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace and Grace had lots of questions about Abuelito. Brought back lots of sweet memories.
Miss you so much, Abuelito!
My babies.
A few extra minutes.
A little more sunlight greets us each new morning than the day before.
I get it wrong so many times, but in those little pockets where God's grace helps me to see what really matters, I'm learning little by little just what these two beautiful souls need to grow into their own.
Some days are just full of unexpected surprises. I dropped the littles off at school one day last week and I was missing them something fierce. I worry about the world they are growing up in and the things they will face. Some days I wish I could just keep them by my side all.day.long!! But then I started lifting my eyes up to the beauty all around me and it just turned my whole day around. I think we all need reminders from time to time.
{And I'm not sure what it is about that funny looking mustache on Hudson - it's just a silly phone shadow, but maybe God has a funny sense of humor, after all?!?}
Like finding funny pictures you didn't know your daughter took while you tried to snatch the phone from her, but that make you glad to see yourself through her eyes...
Like a quiet morning to plan out your week before going 90 to nothing...
Like an unexpected invitation for lunch on a cold, rainy day...yes, please!
So yummy! Thanks, Noonie!
Like finding a super fun surprise in the mail from a friend just because...
Thank you, Melissa! I love, love, love my new heart garland!
Like wearing the earrings your daughter picked out for you "Pink goes with everything, Mama!" even though they don't match your outfit that day but then catching a reflection of yourself in the mirror and remembering her sweet smile as you switched them out that morning..
Like hearing belly giggles from your littles because they can't believe you put your shoes where??! And now they each want to take a turn putting their shoes up there...
It's the little things that make up the most beautiful moments in our days. We decided to spread a little cheer with some early morning deliveries on our day off from school on Monday...
Because some days delivering a little dollop of homemade yumminess is what it's all about!
What about you? What makes your heart sing?
Go out and do it!
We didn't have school on Friday (prof. development day for teachers) so I didn't get around to unpacking backpacks until later that day. But when I did...
This. This just completely made my day! She has the sweetest heart ever.
What a blessing you are to us, Grace! Love you so much!
Hudson was Whale of the Week last week and he was so excited!! He's been patiently waiting his turn and finally F I N A L L Y it was here!
On Friday he got to bring home Willow the Whale and her accompanying journal. Willow went everywhere with us over the weekend. First stop...the Lego aisle at Target while we were grocery shopping. This boy and his Legos. A love affair, I tell ya!
Hudson's Papaw gave him a gift card to Toys-R-Us for Christmas and he's been dying to go ever since. We don't go to TRU very often so this was a treat for him.
Later that day, he and Grace built a fort and Willow camped out with them. Fun times!
Willow even joined us for Family Game Night! Hudson is all about the table games - so cute! He calls Scrabble "scramble" - melts my heart every time. The 3 Wise Men brought the littles some new ones and we had fun checking them out...this one is Nab It!
On Sunday, Willow went with us to church and lunch. "Do I have to smile??"
Our church was still decorated for Christmas - we keep it up until after Epiphany. I snuck in during our Sunday School time and took a picture - it looked so beautiful and peaceful! The littles love walking past the Nativity on the right side.
Willow even helped Hudson with his Wave Poster and journal entry...
Hudson was so excited to go to school on Monday and give his report.
As Whale of the Week, he had the special privilege of napping on top or below the loft in his class. Halfway through the week he told me he was bummed that he doesn't get to nap (he gets pulled out for the Gateway gifted class during the regular kindergarten nap time). Only time he's ever said that about napping - ha! I realized it was because of the loft, but his sweet teacher let him spend some time on the loft outside of nap time and he had the BIGGEST smile on his face! It's the little things for sure!!
There were only 2 things on Hudson's Christmas wish list...Legos and a pair of camo pants. This week he got to wear them for the first time. Whale of the Week and Camo Pants...pretty sure he was walking on Cloud 9!
Way to go, Hudson!!
You are one awesome Whale Kid and we are proud of you!