One of her favorite games is hide and seek. She goes "1-2-3-4-5 GO! Here I come!!" whether it's her time to hide or to go seek :) So cute!
Hmmm...wonder where I should hide???

20 month updates:
Likes to sing: Twinkle, Twinkle, ABC's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and "Los Pollitos" (spanish lullaby - The Little Chickens)
Numbers: counts to 17, skips 18 and 19, and goes for the grand finale, TWENTY!!
Favorite Phrases: "I do it. I do it.", "Grace do it.", "I love you.", "Good job.", "Uh-oh, what happened?", "Fell and went boom. Got ouchie. Mama kiss it."
Family: when asked what mama's name is says "Jessica", daddy's name says "Lance", and what her full name is says first and last name, then cheers for herself :)
Shapes: recognizes circle, square, triangle, star, heart
Characters: Dora, Curious George, Little Einsteins, Super Why, and Elmo (yes, still :)
Choices: likes to pick out her own bows and hair clippies
School: knows both of her teachers' names and calls Miss Bree (gymboree teacher) "the boss of gymboree".
Funny #1: told her first lie last week. Noonie, Grace, and I were in the car and Grace dropped something she was playing with. When I looked back to see what it was, she looked at me and said "Noonie dropped it." =O
Funny #2: picture it - while waiting for mama to fix her breakfast / mama goes, "Grace, today I have a treat for you, something you really like." / Grace: "boys?" (uh-oh, we're in trouble!!!)
Toddlerhood: first full-blown toddler tantrum the other day / cried, screamed, kicked, threw herself on the ground, etc. for like five straight minutes - all over a food choice. FUN, FUN, FUN.
And last, but not least, HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY, EMERSON!!!! HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY, JOSE ANTONIO!!!! Hope you both had wonderful birthdays! Aunt Jessica loves you!! XOXO