As I've mentioned, I've been on this baking frenzy here lately and it doesn't show signs of stopping anytime soon. On the plus side, once I've spent lots of time with a baking project, I have no desire to eat it, which is great for the waistline. I just stare at it in amazement for turning out so cute or in despair for being a big flop. Which brings me to this:

Totally off the subject, but when I was little my mom used to sport that chic haircut the mom in the picture has and it just brought warm memories to my heart. I remember when we were dating, Lance seeing some pics of me when I was little and looking at the one of my mom and I on the first day of preschool (she was wearing a navy blue spaghetti strap dress with a white sailor pocket button and white strappy heels, had tanned skin, that sassy haircut, and the most beautiful, proud smile on her face) and saying, "You had a hot mom growing up!" He scored lots of points with that one because I, of course, think she's beautiful inside and out :) Now, if I could only get my scanner to work I could upload that photo for you to see. Note to self: work on scanner!!
I'm also excited about this: