Reality is both of my littles have plenty of clothes to get them through the hotter-than-hot first couple of months of school. It is soooooo warm here in the South that "Fall" clothes really don't get worn comfortably until way into October {if we're lucky}.
So other than first day of school outfits for both and a couple of pairs of shoes , we are skipping the usual BTS shop-a-thon.
{Livie & Luca}
And instead..............we're spending our last week of Summer freedom at the beach!
{via here}
{Steven Brooke via here}
{via here}
{via here}
A fun surprise from the hubby! He's taking us to Seaside, FL! Woo hoo! I've never been but have always wanted to visit - it looks like my kind of quaint little town!! So if you have any recommendations or must do's, I'd love to know!
Now...if I had only started that diet earlier...*sigh*

Hi Jessica :) I hope you're back is starting to feel better - you poor thing!
I just had a quick question for you - how do you look after Grace's shoes? I've just invested in a few pairs of gorgeous Livie and Luca Petal shoes and Joyfolie shoes for our little 3 year old but I foresee the toes getting majorly scuffed.
Do you keep them for good? Or just accept that they're going to get a little knocked around?
Thanks so much and enjoy your break away to the beach and Disney.
Penny :)
I love Seaside! We have never stayed there but stayed close by. There are lots of great restaurants down there in Santa Rosa. Of course I can't remember the names of any of them off the top of my head - but I'll think about it and let you know!
I hear you on the lack of school shopping - I hate how HOT it is when school starts! No fun at all!
You are going to absolutely adore Seaside!! So many fun things for the kiddies and its beautiful! Have fun and take lots of pics!;)
Our family has been going for years. We love it and our son, asks all throughout the year, "when are we going to seaside?" It is still a quaint town, although the "secret" is out, and is usually very crowded. My favorite part is that you park your car for the week and walk or ride bikes wherever you want to go. Our faves are Modica Market. Ride your bikes with your littles to the market in the morning to bring back breakfast to your cottage. And, shop for everything you need for a "dinner night" in your cottage. Dawson's for ice cream in the evenings. The ampitheater, which is the large grassy area up front, is a fun place for the littles to run and play at night. "Fired up" is a fun paint-your -own studio for a sweet souvenir. There are lots of shops. And, if you venture out from seaside, go to "pickets", which is a small shop, but I always seem to find something! Her gardens are beautiful. She won't mind if you take some pictures with your littles there. It's on 30A, on the left, maybe 5 mins by car. And, if you follow 30A to Rosemary Beach, there is a wonderful mexican restaurant there along with other shops and restaurants. You'll have a wonderful time!
I so agree with you about BTS shopping. I always look forward to it too but we live OK and it's the same for us it's warm til Oct.
Love those new petals! Pretty color. I cant' wait til spring.
Seaside looks beautiful. Have a wonderful vacation and Enjoy what's left of the summer :-)
Oh! I forgot to tell you, go to sundog books. They have a great selection for you and your littles, and while you are there, pick up a postcard and mail it at the sweet little post office on your way out of town. Your littles will love getting it in the mail a few days later at home!
Seaside is the cutest town! There's so many cute shops and places to eat. The Truman Show movie was filmed there :)
It is right down the street from where we are in Watersound, FL! I wore my LA shirt today and everyone loved it!
How exciting! Enjoy. :)
Hi, Penny! We've been pretty lucky so far and haven't had any scratches or scuffs on any of the L & L petals and she wears them all the time! We have 1 pair of Joyfolie shoes (the yellow bow ones) and those have quite a few scuffs/areas where the yellow has rubbed off. Pretty much from the very first time she wore them, so maybe it's just the type of leather??? Not sure! We LOVE the L & L petals!
Thank you for all the suggestions! Please keep them coming!! :)
You are going to LOVE Seaside. So many quaint little shops and restaurants. I grew up in Pensacola Beach. Just a few miles west of there and we vacationed every summer in Seaside. Take your camera. So much inspiration! The houses are ADORABLE!!!!!
So fun!! Seaside!!! and DISNEY!!! We just got back from will LOVE it!!!! Have a wonderfully sweet trip!!
oh, how i love seaside.... there is a restaurant right in the little cirlce/square, smack dab in the middle called the Great Southern... their smoked cheese grits are to die for, as is everything else. it's nice and kid friendly too... the food trucks are also a hit. they have cute boutique shops all over too. Enjoy y'all's visit. I can't wait to go back!
and i'm anti school shopping too, houston is hot until october at least!
oh, how i love seaside.... there is a restaurant right in the little cirlce/square, smack dab in the middle called the Great Southern... their smoked cheese grits are to die for, as is everything else. it's nice and kid friendly too... the food trucks are also a hit. they have cute boutique shops all over too. Enjoy y'all's visit. I can't wait to go back!
and i'm anti school shopping too, houston is hot until october at least!
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