Oh, how I love spring! Flowers are blooming, the sky is blue, the weather is just perfect. The spring always makes me think of new life and fresh beginnings, which leads me to Easter!!! What a joyous time! Families gathering together to give thanks and rejoice. Children all dressed up in their Sunday Best hunting for eggs. Here's a little sneak peek of Grace. The sweet vintage apron dress was created by Mrs. Angel of TaDa! Creations. Even more than finding them, Grace is obsessed with holding on to little eggs. She especially likes this speckled yellow one! Isn't she a sweet little chick?
Awww yes she is!!! What a doll!! Her dress is just precious too!!!
Grace se vé preciosa!!! Abigail y yo disfrutamos mucho de las fotos que nos envían.
Felices Pascuas! =)
Besos y Abrazos;
Orlando, Nina & Abigail
Y a mi tambien me encanta ver las fotos de Abi. Los extrano mucho!!!
Muchos besitos y abrazos,
tu prima,
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