I'm already working on not being a complete mess on the first day. Her school has a Boo Hoo Breakfast for parents right after the kindergarteners go to their classrooms...quite fitting, huh?
But for now, here's a bit of fun. I'm sooooo excited about the cute outfit the little pumpkin will be wearing her first day, she is too. Here's a little sneak peek...
And GASP! she even told me when she saw these capris that she has finally decided it might be okay to wear some pants...not all the time, but some, "especially if they have pink on them". Dare I believe that the pants boycott has been lifted???!?
Hudson's outfit hasn't come in yet, but it sure is cute too, in a big boy kind of way. I know, I know you're thinking, "polka dot apples are NOT big boy clothes"...ha! They are if you live in the South!!
And if you're from the South then I know you can relate to this: it pained my heart so to not buy a single jon jon/longall for back to school. Yes, all big boy clothes. He still fits into jon jons but now that he is potty trained {Allelulia!}, it's too hard for him to go to the potty by himself wearing jon jons.
I'm super excited to make him some fun pants out of this fabric I found yesterday - who knew the classifieds could look so stylish!!
I finished all the back-to-school shopping yesterday with a marathon day outfitting Hudson with new clothes. Hudson is tall and skinny and finding pants that fit is soooo hard. But four stores later I think we're finally done - woo hoo! Trying on clothes on a 3 year old wiggly little boy who has no interest at all whatsoever in clothes should be an Olympic sport all on its own, don't you think???

Awww, so cute!!! Your back to school shopping is SO much more fun than mine (with a 13 year old and a 9 year old - at least I still have Carter LOL!).
I simply must know where you found that fabric! SOOOO cute!!!!
I can only imagine, Heather!!
The boy fabric, right?
It's Peak Hour by Kellie Wulfsohn for Riley Blake Designs.
Saying good bye to jonjons nearly killed me...:( so did the first day of Kindergarten but you quickly learn to love the free time as much as they love the school :) dying to see her outfit it looks adorable and those green shoes...SWOON!
I am going to need a boo hoo DAY! LOL. My oldest will be in Pre-K at the elementary school this year and my youngest will be in pre school.. Both going to school all day, 5 days a week.. What am I going to do with myself!? I have loved the preparation though. Shopping and making gifts is my favorite. :)
Oh my, so sweet! Enjoy the back to school shopping now. When they only want 5 pair of jeans and a pair of cowboy boots it is just not the same... but I will say our school has uniforms and with 3 kids in 3 different schools, it is wonderful!
Love Grace's outfit. She is always too cute. Ive been following your blog for alittle over a year. Love it!! You are so inspirational. Would you care to tell where you got her outfit? Thanks
Love Grace's outfit. She is always too cute. Ive been following your blog for alittle over a year. Love it!! You are so inspirational. Would you care to tell where you got her outfit? Thanks
Can you tell me where you ordered the cute apliqued apple shirt. So cute. Love Grace's outfit also.
So where did you end up for Hudson? My Sam is skinny too and we haven't had much luck :( And I don't even want to talk about the HUGE STACK of adorable MJ and Naartjie clothes my girls won't wear. They want WORK OUT clothes and tennis shoes {UGH}. Quick! I need another LITTLE girl in the house :)
Thanks for all the sweet comments!
Grace's outfit is from babe-a-gogo - LOVE Kelley's designs!!
Hudson's apple shirt is from Chloe Belle's Closet - first time ordering so I'm hoping I'll be excited when it comes in!
I ended up buying jeans for Hudson at The Children's Place since they have those adjustable tabs on the inside, corduroy pants at the Gymboree Outlet since they were elastic waist with no belt loops and run pretty long, and sports pants at Carter's - LOVE Carter's waist on their pants for boys, but their jeans were too short for Hudson. Hope that helps!
Oh, and you'll be getting another little girl soon and I'm so beyond excited about that!!!! :)
I so enjoy your blog! Good luck with heading back to school!
I recongize that outfit. As my search continued for the perfect back to school outfit, I took your advice and looked at babeagogo. I bought the same outfit! :) I decided to make her 1st day dress, but couldn't pass up that cutie too! :)
Love the back to school clothes. Just precious. And those shoes are darling! You have great taste Jessica. Love your style and blog :-)
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