Meet the cutest little Strawberry Shortcake ever! Check out the bribe...I mean treat!

Guess the lessons on sharing are paying off :)

On the way to Mimi & Pop's, we stopped by Noonie & Papa A.J.'s. Noonie was ready to go on a date with Papa A.J. to see a play. Doesn't she look pretty?!!

This is what "ants in your pants" looks like :)

Hanging out with Mimi and Pop, waiting to go trick-or-treating. You mean we have to eat dinner first? Bummer.

Grace with cousin Jade, as Ashley Tisdale from HS Musical II

First experience trick-or-treating. She wasn't too sure at first, but once the neighbors opened the door and handed her THREE lollipops she decided Halloween WAS fun and then quickly proceeded to try to go inside their house! Little stinker!

Checking out all the loot!

Deciding what to try first with Mimi and Pop

Hanging out with Aunt Lexi

Enjoying yet another lollie (I hope Mama's not keeping count!)

WHO is getting near my stash?!?! No, no, no, no, no!

All that hard work wore me out! Check out the two little strawberries I got as a bonus (my knees - ouch!)

All in all, a very fun night and a great 1st trick or treating experience!!
What a CUTIE!! Her costume was perfection :) I'm glad she loved her first night of trick or treating!!!
take a bow Jenn
Grace sure is the cutest little Strawberry Shortcake I've ever seen!
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