He's wild, He's wild...God is wild about us!
Another first around here...Grace's first time at Vacation Bible School!!!
Last year she went to a 3-day mini version at a local methodist church, but this year she was finally old enough to go and she went to the full week version at our church!! What a fun week this was for the little pumpkin!
The theme was PandaMania...where God is WILD about you!
So excited to go on Monday morning! She loves reading bible stories in her picture bible and I love how our VBS crew brought so many of our beloved bible stories to life for the kids.
We stopped by to see Noonie and bring her lunch after Day 1 and Grace was sooooo excited telling Noonie about all the fun activities she did... "Noonie, we got SWALLOWED by a whale just like Jonah!!", the songs she learned..."Noonie, He's wild, He's wild...God is WILD about us...you too, Noonie", and the new friends she made..."My friends from the baby school (MDO) were there... Ava & Nicholas & Charles...and some new friends too...we're in the PINK group, Noonie - can you believe that?!"
The spark in her eyes said it all. As a mom, there's nothing sweeter than seeing your littles radiating God's love and being so excited to learn more about Him.
On a lighter note, can I say that rushing to get two littles ready & out the door by 7:45 a.m. is no easy feat. We've got A LOT of work to do before we're ready for August 22nd (Grace's first day of school) and then September 6th (Hudson's first day of MDO). I'm tired just thinking about it...
On Friday, there was a program for the parents and lunch for everyone. This was so sweet. As soon as the little pumpkin spotted us...
...she got up and marched right over to us with this mega smile on her sweet face! Love you so much Grace!
What a sweet sight...278 little children learning more about God!
The program was so sweet. Lots of songs, stories, and a video montage of the week's activities based on Genesis "...on Day 1-7 God created...". The songs were Grace's favorite part about VBS. She really got into them. Here she is ready to perform...
The theme song was the cutest. He's wild, He's wild...

God is WILD about us!
As a special treat they brought in two wild animal experts from a local animal refuge who brought a possum, a parrot, a baby alligator, a guinea pig, and an orphaned fawn. The kids loved them! Can you spot the little fawn about to drink from a bottle??!
Our priest, Fr. Karl, closed the program with a recap and a prayer. I love our priest - he's young & energetic and does an amazing job bringing scripture to life and teaching us how to apply it to modern day situations. He's the same priest that married us and I'm excited that he's the pastor of our church and our littles get to learn from him.
All in all a very exciting week! Thank you to all the VBS volunteers and especially to Mrs. Kristi & Mrs. Colleen for leading Grace's K4 group!! And thank you God for the sweetest of all sweet blessings: little children.
Love the photos!! My 7-year old went to VBS (same theme!) at our Catholic church this summer and came home singing that song over & over! He goes to the same church for his school year too & I love hearing him talk about God & singing all the songs from Mass.
My kiddos VBS is Pandamania this year too :) So sweet I adore your very creative blog!
Wasn't that the cutest vbs theme??? I loved it!
Thank you both for your sweet comments!
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