{my mom gave me the okay to share here what had been going on, even before her surgery, but time was not my friend and I found myself longing to spend time in His word instead...}
Right after Christmas my sweet mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Even today, uttering those words in the same sentence with her name is almost unbearable. My heart felt like it was shattering in a million pieces. There were lots of "Not my mom...not my sweet mom...please, God...not her."
She had surgery this past Tuesday and is recovering well.
During her surgery, I prayed the rosary just as she had for me 10 years prior during my surgery. Something about the repetition of prayer is so very comforting to me at times of greatest need. There have been times in my life when I have felt God speak directly to me through His word...times when I had no doubt He was talking directly to me. One of those times was during my mom's surgery.
There was a good hour when I was able to be completely in His word, alone in the hospital room as we waited to hear from the surgeon. I asked God for favor and mercy toward my mom and I asked Him to speak to my heart, to help ease my nerves.
Times in my life when I have felt completely overwhelmed, I have prayed for guidance and randomly opened my bible and I've felt God answer me by making His word ever present and clear. There were 3 different times when I felt this during my mom's surgery.
As the surgery was starting, I envisioned the cancer. I asked God to guide the surgeon's hands to remove the cancer and when I opened my bible, my eyes focused on this passage from Matthew 21:18 ~
Then he said to it, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered."
As I kept reading, Matthew 21:21 stood out to me because my mom told me that very morning her daily devotional was about having faith as a mustard seed...
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
God never fails. I feel He always talks to us but sometimes we're too busy to discern His voice.
As time continued, I alternated between reading the bible and just praying. When I felt my nerves getting the best of me, I once again opened my bible randomly and came to this passage from Matthew 18:19:
Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anyting you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Even looking over the note I wrote in my bible, "Amen! During mom's surgery. 01/08/13 12:53 p.m." brings tears to my eyes.
So many were praying for my dear mom at the exact moments of her surgery. I know God hears all of our prayers, even when spoken by a single person. But the comfort of knowing so many were praying for my mom who I love so much was such a reassuring and comforting thought to me. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness to all who have covered her in prayer...THANK YOU!
Today I have good news to report. Part of my mom's surgery was to remove several lymph nodes to check and see if the cancer had spread beyond the breast. Today the surgeon gave us the great news that no lymph nodes were involved! Praise the Lord! What a sweet blessing!
My mom still has several battles ahead of her and I covet your prayers on her behalf. She has been such a trooper through it all...she has been completely optimistic, calm, strong, full of faith, amazing...I could go on and on. My mom is such a beautiful person inside and out. I love her to pieces and I selfishly want her around for a long, long, long, LONG time...to see the littles grow up and to continue to be my best friend.
So today we celebrate and sing prayers of thankfulness to our merciful Lord for His healing touch. Thank you Jesus that you are with us in ways we never even dream of. Please continue to heal my mom as I know you are holding her in the palm of your hand. Amen.

Oh my goodness all our prayers and love to you all!
My sweet daughter: My heart aches for the pain you are going through during this trial. That's all it is: a trial. I TRUST God and I KNOW that with His help, our faith and the love, prayers and concern of so many people on our side we will emerge victorious in this battle against breast cancer. I have no doubts in my mind. I celebrate every little bit of good news and take one day at a time. I praise God's name and thank Him for everything that is good and beautiful in my life.
You have been a rock by my side. You have always been a true blessing. With God at our side, there's nothing to fear.
Love you more than can be expressed with words.
Oh my, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I am also very happy to know that it has not spread. We will offer our Rosary up tonight for your Mom's healing.
Your words are so beautiful. Your Mom will certainly be in my prayers! As will you.
xo Kris
Oh Jessica, i am very sorry. My mom passed away from cancer 10 years ago after a 12 year battle. I will keep your mom in my prayers.
May God bring healing to your mother & comfort to you and your family
So very sorry for this difficult time in your lives. What wonderful fsmily you all are. Love and best wishes to you and your mom.
I'm so sorry, Jessica. I will be praying for your sweet mom.
My thoughts and prayers are with your sweet mom and your entire family. Sending lots of love and blessings your way.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Our family will be praying for her healing. We will pray that God's warmth and love embrace your family as you go through this trial. You have such a beautiful family & I love reading all your posts especially the ones that talk about your sweet mom.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am praying for you and your mom and your loved ones and will continue to keep you all in my prayers.I have been following your blog for awhile now and I love seeing the pictures of your mom enjoying spending time with you and your littles. May God bless you all with many, many more happy years together!
I'm sending prayers your way for your sweet mother and the family.
Prayers to you during this time.
What a beautiful tribute to your mom Jessica. Your faith {yours and your mom's} will see you through this trial. We serve a mighty God!
Very sorry to hear about your precious mom. What a blessing to have the Lord's hand on everything during this time.
We went through the same thing with my mom two years ago. The doctor's removed the nodes in two separate surgeries and she had a few months of daily radiation. She's now been given a clean bill of health and hasn't had any issues since. Prayer certainly guided us through the ordeal as well.
You are both such strong, beautiful women! I just want you to know that you are a light, and a deep inspiration to those of us going through our own trials. There is no doubt the Lord is with you...and our hearts are with you. Thank you for sharing your journey, and your walk with the Lord. May he bless and keep you. ~Diana
So nicely written...definetly from the heart. I can relate more than most will know.
Gods plan is bigger even when we dont understand and that I have hope in. Praise for the good reports...your mama seems so much like mine in many ways. Her undenying faith will carry her thru.
Thanks for sharing....
Keeping your mom (and your sweet family) in my prayers, Jessica. I know all too well how devastating and challenging this diagnosis can be. So glad you have your faith and each other as you walk this path and help your mom toward healing and recovery. Keep moving forward ....
My Mom, my best friend, was also named Virginia. Only the best have that name. My heart aches for what you all are going through. Bless you all.
Praying for your mom in this trial of life. Her and your attitude and strong Faith and Trust in God is so much more than medicine. You got this! :) Stay positive and keep praying! We will be lifting you both up.
Praying for comfort and peace, strength and healing. My mom died when I was a child...I hope to one day have the kind of relationship with my daughters that you and hour mom have. It is a beautiful thing
Jessica! Praying for you and your sweet mom!! In all things HE will sustain you! I too have walked this same path with my mom. I understand what it feels like to utter and type those words...heart wrenching!!
Praying you will continue to seek Him for all peace and understanding!
"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17
I know we are just "blog friends" but if you need anything please get in touch!
I feel your pain as my mom went through STAGE 2B CERVICAL CANCER TREATMENT and operation too 3 years ago.Be strong, as she will only hold on to your strength. Don't forget to celebrate each day and make her smile. I pray for her to be well and be touched by GOD / Allah's healing hand. There is always a rainbow after the rain my friend (can call you that?) as I frequently visit your blog just to get some pointers on how to raise my toddler well and along the way I manage to see how your mom has showed love to you and your kids. Mom now is fine and cancer free, caught it early but still we are incredibly afraid each check up.
Inshaallah , she will be okay soon. lots of love-Margot (mom2Raya).
Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of comfort! You have no idea how much it means to me to know so many are praying for my mom! I firmly believe in the power of prayer. Wish I could give all of you a hug...from the bottom of my heart, tHank yOu!!
Thinking of you at this difficult time. May your mum's recovery be speedy!
Your mother...and, all of your sweet family will be in my prayers.
I love that because of "blog world" I know you and can pray for you. Your faith blesses many. I can see that the joy of the Lord is your strength! I will be praying for you and your mom!
I'm sure everything is going to be fine, you have our love but above all you have the Lord's love. He will give you what you need, and He will pour his love towards your loved ones. Prayers sent your way, tell dear Noonie that she has to recover, because she has to teach me how to sew like a pro, just like her. Tons of love, may God Bless you always!!!!!!!
Oh Jess! I always loved your mom :-) Give her my love and my strength. I pray for strength for you and the rest of your family as well.
I was a couple weeks behind in reading and was shocked to hear the news :( You and I are the same age, and also breast cancer survivors.....my heart aches for you and your family during this unexpected journey. Thank God above for faith, hope and love..........and hugs to you.
Thank you all so very much for lifting my mom in prayer. It means the world to me!
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