Both of our littles are cuddly and love to snuggle, but Hudson looooves to snuggle, if you know what I mean. It's one of his love languages and I'm happy to oblige.
The last few days he has been extra snuggable. As I hold my little boy my mind drifts off to what Mary must have gone through watching her precious Jesus suffer like he did. It is unimaginable. Just makes my chest ache at the very thought. What a sacrifice - Thank you, sweet Jesus!
Easter basket fun! Mermaid themed for Grace and Star Wars for Hudson...
I sure had a lot of fun putting these baskets together!
Waiting to see their Easter baskets...they were so cute!
The little pumpkin went straight for the sweet mermaid! Thank you Angel for making it for her!! She absolutely loves it. It went to church with us and it has been by her side ever since.
Grace ~ age 6
Hudson ~ age 3 3/4
Hudson LOVED his Angry Birds Star Wars pillow, like serious love. He's been carrying it everywhere!
I went with useful stuff + cute stuff + fun stuff, much more so than candy...
Can you tell someone is a little obsessed with mermaids??
Star Wars, Legos, and Angry Birds have taken over Hudson's room...hmmm, can you guess what kind of birthday party he's having?? :)
Checking out the vintage toys...
Grace: It's just like thumb wrestling, Hudson!!
Kaleidoscope fun!
Books! I looooove books!
The little pumpkin has been wanting this book ever since her little brother flushed the oobleck she made in school during Dr. Seuss week...
And of course, a little chocolate bunny to round things out! {some Haribo gummy bunnies too - those are sooooo yummy!}
Hi there, bunny! I can't wait to eat you!
I don't know about you, but it was sooooo super rainy for us Easter Sunday! No natural light as you can see from these pics and crazy, scary winds in the morning. Noonie & Papa J were at their other house out of town {we missed you!!!!!!} so we didn't get a family pic of the 4 of us - boo hoo! Thought about setting the timer but didn't have time to prop up the camera somewhere tall enough, so we had to take 2 pics.
First up, Lance with the littles...
Mama's turn!
And a couple right after church and lunch...the sun was starting to come out...
Girls just being silly :)
{when the camera comes out, the boys run far, far away...}
Happy Easter Everyone!

Great photos! I loved your Easter breakfast. I always just want to jump into the computer & join you guys. Your kids are just sooo adorable. Thank you for teaching them that Easter is more than all the chicks & bunnies. It is a very meaningful holiday indeed!
Great photos! I loved your Easter breakfast. I always just want to jump into the computer & join you guys. Your kids are just sooo adorable. Thank you for teaching them that Easter is more than all the chicks & bunnies. It is a very meaningful holiday indeed!
Such sweet pictures! Love all the cute basket gifts! Where did you find the cute mermaid shirt. I have a little one that would LOVE it!
My guy loves to snuggle also. I love it because I know one day he will not want to snuggle with me...:(
Have a great Tuesday!!
I LOVE your dress! Where is it from? Everything else is adorbs too! ;)
Thanks everyone!
Kelli~ The mermaid tank & skirt set, mermaid doll, and pillow are all from TaDa! Creations. LOVE Angel's work!!
Becki~ The dress is eci via Belk :)
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