I ordered combination fried rice, shrimp with garlic sauce, shredded beef szechuan style, and spring rolls from our favorite Chinese restaurant, picked up a cookie cake and a chocolate cake (Pepperidge Farm triple layer chocolate cake...the easiest, tastiest on-the-go cake ever!), fresh strawberries, and pictures from the Walgreen's 1 hr. kiosk and set up a simple table...but with a lot of LOVE and that's what counts, right?!
I added a little pink ribbon to the place setting for our guest of honor...
And set up a little picture garland to commemorate her journey...hard to read the sign on the chalkboard, but it reads, "But as for me, I will always have hope." ~ Psalm 71:14
The garland was probably my favorite...looking back through some of the pictures made me very emotional. I remember the uncertainty we faced as she started her fight against breast cancer...
And as I hung the pictures, I thanked God for how far He's brought her...Thank you, sweet Jesus!
Papa J was working (out of town) and couldn't be here but I added this sweet picture of them so he could be here in spirit...
And then I waited...as soon as I heard their car I made them all go in Grace's room so I could change the littles out of their rain-soaked gymnastics clothes and get ready for the BIG REVEAL! The littles love this kind of stuff!!!
It was priceless!
Please ignore the mess in the background...this room is a work-in-progress with LOTS of painting and purging projects to go...
My beautiful, strong, kind, Godly mother...Virginia, better known as Noonie :)
I think she liked the garland...
I know she liked the food!
I loved that we could all sit around the table and celebrate Noonie...
{and I won't even hold it against Lance that he changed his color-coordinated shirt as soon as he got home - HA!}
We even sang a little version of "happy end of radiation treatment to you" to the tune of happy birthday...
The lady at the bakery put not one but TWO breast cancer remembrance ribbons on her cookie cake...that has to be good luck, right??! he he he
We made wishes, big and small...
This was Noonie's fortune...God is in the details...ALWAYS!
And we ate waaaaaay too much cake!!!
We gave her some sweet cards...
But in the end all that mattered is that we celebrated one amazing lady and thanked our loving God for healing her...
I love you with all my heart and I thank God every day for giving me you as my mom!
Here's to many, many, many more years and adventures!

Keep Calm sign: {The Hands-on Housewife}
Hope bible verse on chalkboard - {Kimberly Geswein}
Place cards - {Anders Ruff}
This seriously made me cry....what a blessing you are to your mom jessica <3 God Bless you Noonie!!
I have no words to express my thanks to you, my sweet Daughter...not just for this very special celebration, full of lots of beautiful, meaningful details... but ESPECIALLY for being a rock by my side and being with me EVERY STEP OF THE WAY on this journey. God knew always that I would need someone very special by my side to help me with some trials...so He gave me YOU as my Daughter!
What a blessing you are in my life! I thank God for you every day. And I thank and praise Him for healing me!
I never have the right words to express how I truly feel, but this post touched me deeply and I couldn't help but to shed a few (happy) tears at Noonie's journey. Her unwavering faith has been inspirational. She is a very special woman and I couldn't be happier for your family! I will continue to pray for God's healing hand.
Praise God. What an awesome way to celebrate your mom.
By the way, where did you get your beautiful aqua plates. Love the color and design.
Love this!!!!
Love this!!!!
I could not think of a better way to celebrate your beautiful mom that with a dinner in her honor.
A night to remember by all of you.
her fortune cookie brought tears to my eyes. You are right...He is always in the details <3 beautiful!
What a perfect celebration...and a perfect fortune!
Oh this is so incredibly touching and heartwarming. This is what celebrating life is all about. The best of celebrations - the gift of those we love. - Heather R.
crying...;( You are amazing in all that you do Jessica.
I'd love to meet you in person one day:)
I always leave your blog inspired to do more for the ones around me to show my love. What a beautiful "congratulations" meal. Wishing your family many more joyous times together! Love the fortune cookie sentiment...make BIG plans!
Love it!! What a sweet thing to do for your mom. I am so happy that all is well.
Such a Precious and touching celebration you gave your Mom. So very sweet and thoughtful.
God Bless :-)
Thank you so much for this uplifting entry. I decided I needed to turn off the heartbreaking news station and focus on something more positive... Your blog was the very first I visited. Thank you again, I love visiting!
Thank you everyone for your kind words! So many of you have walked this journey with us through prayer and for that I can not thank you enough. And to my dear mom - I love you more than words can say.
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