Ummmm...that margarita didn't last long - ha!
After dinner we jumped right in to making the famous Craft Weekend aprons. But not before checking out all the fun swag! Thank you to all the vendors that sent so many fun things for us!!
Oh, happy day indeed!!!
Picking out fabrics is always the best part!
This is what I came up with...
...and then it was time to S E W!
I think Amber took this pic of me because I rarely sew. I'm usually picking out and cutting fabrics and pressing and Noonie is the sewing guru, but I made this apron all by myself - ha!
I only took a break for this yummy chocolate cake...Mmmmmm!
{pic via Kimberlee Jost}
All done! Love it!
After staying up waaaaay too late for some girltalk with Amber & Angel, we woke up the next morning to these A M A Z I N G cinnamon rolls that Kimberlee had made. Oh my, they were soooooo good! You have to make them. Here's her recipe.
Add an egg casserole, fresh fruit and OJ and you now have a proper CW breakfast - ha!
Ready to visit Bearly Makin-it Antiques Shop & the Barn!
Shopping with Angel and Kim!
Amber found some fun stuff right off the bat!
Love these tins!
I found some fun goodies!
Lunch at the barn!
More fun stuff!
Angel and Miracle had never been to Sonic so we had to make that right!!
All my fun finds!! Grace is lovin' that baton!!
Loved spending time with these girls!!
Chili with fun toppings for dinner and then it was time for more projects!!
We learned how to make yarn pom poms...
And a fun wreath...
A cool initial sign...
I even used a S A W - ha!
And finished off with a fun canvas bag using freezer paper and potato stamps!
A beautiful mess!
Taking a late-night break for Kimberlee's mouth-watering blueberry crisp dessert!!! Oh, how I wish I was eating one of those right now!!!
Wanna see what I made??? Here's my wreath!
And my sign!!
Back tomorrow for my last Craft Weekend post!

How do I get on the list?! I must go!!!
What fun. I've always wanted to go. I'll just have to find a group of friends to go with. Love the colors you choose for the apron.
Oh my goodness such an amazing weekend. And that you were able to spend it with friends is even better. I follow some of the ladies on instagram who were there that weekend and it was fun to see pictures throught out the weekend.
Here's the link to the Wait List!
Thanks, Deborah! Going with friends makes it even more fun!!
It was so much fun to be there with sweet friends! I loved meeting the other ladies too. Loved hearing their stories!
Wow I am super jealous. How amazing. I wish I was on the list also. Please also tell Angel I miss seeing all of her new creations on her blog. Wishing all of you the best! Hugs, Jen Calvo
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