Have I mentioned how much I love her program and her teachers? This week is Teacher Appreciation Week at her school, so a huge shout out to her AMAZING teachers Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Peterson!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING you do - your knowledge and creativity amaze me day after day.
Some fun pictures...
Each child was given a little green strawberry basket to take home and transform into a leprechaun house. We had fun with this one! Grace insisted hers have a dragon outside "to protect the leprechaun house". The dragon "spits out big fire balls anytime anyone other than the little leprechaun comes in".

Don't forget your gReeN tomorrow! *wink*
I´ve said it before but I´m saying it again..Your daughter has the most amazing teachers taking them to all those fieldtrips and organizing amazing activities at school! I´m sure the kids can´t wait to go to school every morning. I would love to be a kid again and participate too :)
Yeah, uh, not all school's get to do all of that! She is definitely at one of the finest!!!!
Wow, fun times at school!! Isn't it amazing how you can turn some of the smallest things into a learning experience?! I have lots of Lowe's Build and Grow's from my son that he has done over the years. One particular one is a turkey recipe box for Thanksgiving, he painted it after it was finished. Every year we have each written down what we are thankful for. It is so much fun to go back and read them each year:)
Please tell Grace we all thought her trap was great!!
Grace must have the best teachers in the world. I am very impressed!!
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