Thank you for all the encouraging words sent my way regarding the fundraiser with Elizabeth Smart! It was a great event and it generated more than $82,500 for child abuse victims - yeah! It was an honor to meet Elizabeth - she is such a strong and inspirational young woman. I love how she gave God and her family the credit for keeping her going during the nine months she was held captive.
My blogging has been sporadic because October has been such a crazy busy month. I've let go of everything "extra" that I possibly can and I've still felt overwhelmed with too little time and too much responsibility. I know you can relate...
But what I haven't talked about is something that has become an issue from time to time and most recently once again. A couple of weeks ago, a fellow etsy seller contacted me to tell me that another etsy seller was using my photograph to sell "her" product and no, it wasn't a birthday hat or hair wrap. She found out because the same etsy seller was using her photographs and passing the products as her own. In fact, the seller's entire store was stocked full of other people's photographs and products and she was profiting from it all.
This isn't the first time that someone has used my photographs without my permission or without crediting the source. I'm not sure why people do what they do...there's always excuses and now with Pinterest, lots of "I didn't know who the original source was..." but when it comes down to it, we all know that using other people's work (photos / ideas / products) and passing them as our own is just plain WRONG.
I would be lying if I told you that it didn't hurt because in reality it makes you feel like someone kicked you in the gut and it makes you feel hurt and angry. I've reported her shop to the etsy legal team, as have several other sellers whose photos she was using.
So I want to make sure to put it out there...if you look at the bottom of my blog it says "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED", that means the content of this blog (words/photos) CAN NOT be used without properly crediting the source and linking back to me. It does not mean you cannot pin a photograph to Pinterest - you can - but the whole idea of pinterest is that it takes you back to the original source.
I share lots of ideas with the hopes of inspiring you to be creative because being creative is just part of who I am. I love it when people write me to tell me they tried a project or made something after feeling inspired by one of my posts - that's what blogging is all about! Just please do not use my photos without properly crediting and linking back. Sorry for the vent and Thank You!
And because I hate to talk about negative stuff, let's move on to something much happier...the PUmPkIn PaTCh!
I like to go at the very beginning of October when it's full of pumpkins in all sizes but this year we just made it there this past Saturday. Only the big, BIG pumpkins remained, but it was still a fun time for the littles.
So grown-up looking these days...sniff, sniff!
{my sewing club buddy Sara made the cute top for Grace - tHANk yOU, Sara!!}
Yes, I managed to put Hudson in a jon jon that still fit him from last year! I haven't bought any new ones since Spring so this may very well be the last time I see my little guy in one. Double sniff, sniff.
I want THIS one!
It's just a little bit heavy...
Mama, please hurry up and take the picture...
Hmmmm...maybe this one??
I can do it by MYSELF.
Grace, will you help me?
Hudson, why did you have to pick this one??
Sweet little pumpkin...
Big strong boy!
Our little family...
And just for the record, for every 1 picture that looks all nice and sweet, there are at least 237 that look like this:
Happy Fall Y'all!

1 comment:
You my dear are looking great! I think those sweet boy clothes need to be put up for sale because I'm interested ; )
Pumpkin patch pictures are precious!
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