It's been tough to sit down and blog about ordinary life when so many heartbreaking events seem to be happening all across our great nation. But even in the hardest of days, there is always hope.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ~Mr. Rogers
My heart and prayers go out to those hurt in Boston and West Texas.
I'm sure somewhere there is a well-defined term for the mayhem that is the end of school. If you have littles yourself then you KNOW what I'm talking about!! And yet it sneaks up on me every year, much like we did last Friday when Lance came home...he he he.
This little face says it part adorable-beyond-reason and one part mischevious little boy...both in perfect balance.
We had to wait an extra long time because Lance was bringing home Moe's for dinner {totally off topic, but I loooooooooove some Chipotle and Moe's!!}. But the wait was soooo worth it when we finally heard his car pulling in the driveway and then.................
Such a fun way to kick-off the weekend!! And he was a really great sport about it too :)
We are in the final sprint...4 weeks left of school for Hudson and 5 weeks for Grace. And yes, I'm still in denial that the little pumpkin's kindergarten year is coming to an end and then she'll be a big, official FIRST GRADER!! Aaaaah!! At least I still have another year of preK with Hudson. *breathe in, breathe out*
QUESTION: Do any of you know where I can find a vintage kindergarten graduation certificate (reproduction OK too)???? You know, one with cute little images on it and what not.
If you haven't noticed, this is a totally random, catch-up post full of phone pics!! This one is on the morning of Donuts with two handsome fellas! Fake smiles and all :)
Oh, she has a crush all right! Her sewing machine went kaput and while Noonie and Papa J are looking for a replacement, she is drooling over this one everytime we go to Target. It's too pricey in my opinion, but I have to say, it is pretty cute!!
On my ever-growing list of things to make..........although not sure it could hold our mail, which tends to pile up soooo fast!!
Friday when I picked her up at carpool, she was soooo excited to show me her Blue Dog sketch!!!
So proud of my little artist!!
Last Saturday must have been the birthday party day of the year! I felt like a taxi all day. We made it to 4 out of the 5 parties we were invited to and I wish we could have made the other one too but it was farther away and there was no way to squeeze it in. Happy, Happy Birthday Caroline, Alexa, Bristol, Clare and Payton!!
Hudson had a blast at his friend Clare's circus party...
...and he rode his first pony!!! Don't let that little face fool you, Lance said he LOVED it! He wouldn't ride at his {third birthday} so I was pumped that he did at Clare's party!! And probably only a mom would notice this, but take a look at this picture...what else do you notice that's maybe a little off?? :)
Sweet Caroline!
Making watercolor butterflies...
Hanging out with her BFF Savannah...
Happy Birthday, Bristol! Squeeeeeze!
I'm in trouble if this is any indication of the teenage years...T.R.O.U.B.L.E!
There, that's better. Sweet little pumpkin...
Showing me her new-found balancing skills...
This little fella's hugs can cure AnYthINg!!! Loooove him!
Sitting pretty. She actually said she LIKED these pants! Could the pants boycott be coming to an end???!
My kind of after-school snack! Loooooove cantaloupe!! Can't wait to go to the Farmer's Market!!
Sooooo her!
We have 45 minutes between the time I drop off Grace and the time Hudson's preschool starts...perfect way to fill up some of that time...
Yes, the drive thru cAR WaSH!! Cheap entertainment and Hudson LOVES it! {me too, me too! always have!}
Noonie has been in Puerto Rico this week spending time with my sweet grandma and relatives and also taking care of some business...selling our old house! It's the house I grew up in until we moved when I was 12... bittersweet for sure. We miss you, Noonie!! But so happy that you get to visit Tata!
So it may be mayhem around here, but I'm so blessed it's these two sweet littles that keep me busy!
Hope you're having a great week!

Ha ha!! Hudson's SHOE!!:)
It's been CRAZY around here...but I will pop your prize in the post on Saturday!!!
What a busy weekend you had. I know how those feel...April seems to be the birthday month around here as well.
Your house looks so cute and I love all the sweet vintage touches. Maybe you could give a little home tour??
Have a great Friday!!
Having trouble getting going here this morning esp with all the bad news. I went seeking your blog because you always make me remember to live in the moment and enjoy all the little things especially our kiddos. I love how you find the best in all! Once again you have inspired me to get up and get going- love life and enjoy my kiddos!! THANK YOU!! BTW- I too do not ever want kindergarten to end!! Lots of breathing in and out on that one for sure!!
Great drawing Grace! Love the silly string, you guys are just too much fun. I will have to steal that for our last day of school. My girls would love that sewing machine too. But how can I buy one more when I already have 4! I better not let them see them. ;)
I know this blog was a couple of years ago, but would love to know where you found the cute vintage kitty shirt! Love your blog! Thank you!
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