To choose to put your best foot forward, even in the midst of extraordinary circumstances and adversity requires courage. Happiness is a form of courage. I love that quote by George Holbrook Jackson.
I'm not talking about never being down. There is so much hurt in this world and at times my heart and mind do go there. Where, you ask? To that place where we wonder why some things are allowed to happen, why good people get hurt, why little children are left motherless and fatherless, why hunger and starvation envelop our world, why leaders betray nations, why people that we love dearly get sick and die, why loved ones hurt us, why, why, why. It is an abyss.
But we cannot stay there or we'll drown. Choosing joy is an everyday task. We must get up in the morning and make a conscious choice to see the beauty right in front of us. To let go of the anger and the hurt. To continue to trust and obey. To look for the sunshine after the rain. To forgive those that have hurt us in order to move on. To try, try again.
God didn't promise us that it would be easy, but He DID promise us that He would be there every step of the way. I hang on to that promise with every part of my being. And so I choose to find JOY in the little everyday moments that thread together to make life...and later relish in those memories.
I am thankful for so much, with these two littles Lance and I have been blessed with, at the top of my list.
Joy is prayer. Joy is strength. Joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. ~ Mother Teresa
Comparison is the thief of joy. ~Theodore Roosevelt Isn't that the truth??!
This one is probably my favorite from all of these bunny pics. Anyone care to guess what they were fascinated by?
Pure . innocent . unadulterated . JOY!
Grace, 7 and Hudson, 4 3/4
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thank you for this post, Jessica. I lost my dad recently and I am struggling a bit with the "why" and finding joy in everyday life. My hubby and two boys make it easier, but I appreciated your words about finding sunshine after the rain. I absolutely love your blog and I love your outlook on life. You inspired me to enjoy the little things in life and to make the everyday extraordinary. I have brought the North Pole breakfast into my house and my oldest calls it our "Santa breakfast." We had our second annual Santa breakfast in December and I wanted to thank you for reminding me to enjoy my littles while they are still little. I guess my point in all of this is that I hope you know how many people love reading your blog and appreciate you. I love these pictures of your littles; so beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us!
I enjoyed your Beautiful post about Joy. Great job and well said. Love the quotes :-) It's true we all face lots of struggles in life but it's how we choose to deal with it that makes all the difference. I choose Joy too! I lost most of my family within 7 year period which included my Mom and grandparents that were the most important people in my life. It was hard and still is but I choose Joy and Gratitude for all that God has given to me such as a loving husband and child, caring in-laws and amazing friends. Life is what you make it! It's always such delight to read your blog. Love the adorable bunny pics of Grace & Hudson. Thanks for reminding us to enjoy the little & big moments in life.
So true! I chose JOY and my life isn't all together and I get down with the same things of this life, but I chose Joy...happiness! Great post, I read it and thought it could right from my mind. :) Love the bunny pics. Grace's toothless smile is awesome!
Such a beautiful post Jessica...thank you for sharing. The last quote is one of my very favorites. I remind myself of it often.
You go girl!!!!
Love this post! Love these pics!
Your pics are so cute, but your words are beautiful today. I needed to hear that. :) Pick JOY!!
YES!!! I love this post so much!!
This is so very true. There is very little in this life that we can control. How we choose to deal with what is dealt to us, is our choice. Choosing the positive makes everyone a winner.
Words I really am glad to hear. I have had to spend way more time at the office than I wish. Your words are just what I needed to hear. So wonderful! Once again you have inspired me! Thank you!
Well said, friend!!!!
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