
Most importantly, about a week and a half ago I had the nuchal translucency ultrasound which measures the amount of fluid in the back of the baby's neck and other markers such as the nasal bone, etc. as a screening for Down's and other chromosomal abnormalities. The ultrasound combined with the bloodwork I had at 11 weeks is what I guess they call the "first trimester screening" (I don't know if this is a more popular elective screening now, or if it's due to being 30, but I don't remember having this with Grace). Anyhow, everything came out normal, and we're so excited that baby seems to be a perfectly healthy growing little bean!
At first, baby wasn't in the right position for the neck measurement so after walking around/drinking water/prodding the belly/learning more than I care to know about what a partial contraction of the uterus looks like on screen/asking baby to listen to his/her mama and TURN because it had been over an hour and Grace was growing restless, I decided we needed to switch gears and look at baby's other end :) Julie, the tech, humored me and we soon saw what looked to me like a little pyramid (he, he, he) - not quite the "turtle" that everyone kept telling me about for boys. Though she wouldn't commit to typing "BOY" on the ultrasound picture since it was so early, she said if she had to guess, she would say boy and printed this little picture for us:

Congratulations, I am soooo excited for you! Little boys are just the best. I love your name choice too, and how special for him to be named after his great-grandpa.
How is the nausea these days? I hope you are almost done with that part.
Yayayayaya!! A little boy, how exciting. Grace is going to love being a big sister and I'm sure will have him help her cook and play dress-up :) Glad all the results came back good, isn't that such a huge relief? Finally, Hudson Rowe, what a beautiful, manly and classic name. Hugs to your growing family.
Love Heather
I am so excited for you guys! This is so exciting! Carson, Preston, Gavin and Hudson...oh what fun! The little boy gang!
Grace is gonna have to keep them all in line!
Yea!! Congrats!!! Love the name Hudson. That was going to be Molly's name if she turned out to be a Boy!
YIIPPPEE SKIPPY!!! How fun!! Need some boys clothes? We've got a ton :)
take a bow Jenn
Awww...thanks ladies for your sweet comments! You made my day!!
And Jenn, boy clothes? Definitely!!! :)
Love the name Hudson!!!!! Congrats !! Such an exciting time!
I am so happy for you and Lance !!!
I am still marveled at the happiness and excitement that being a Grandma to Grace brings me... and now I will get to be a Grandma to a little boy ! Yeah !!!
All my love, Noonie
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