You guys this camera card business is driving me bonkers. I've read countless FAQ from the Canon online technical support center, called them (they're closed on Sundays - WHY???? just kidding), pretty much flipped through the entire camera manual, tried loading the pics at least 1000 times...Arrrrrggggh
I know this may seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but if you think about it, please say a tiny prayer and send me some positive vibes that the pro shop folks can download my images to a cd tomorrow morning! Thanks!!
Okay, here are my random thoughts for the day...
1. Chicken Salad. I love it! After pancakes, peanut butter, and animal crackers :) it's probably my favorite food. I have a love/hate relationship with chicken salad. I either love it or hate it, no in between. I love to try it out in new places but I'm always so disappointed when it's yucky. you have a great tried & true favorite chicken salad recipe? I would really love to find a recipe that's delicious.
2. Fairy Dust. Perhaps this sweet fairy can sprinkle some magic dust on my camera card and fix it :)
3. Pick Your Battles. Yes, I'm certainly picking my battles these days. Today, Grace insisted on going to church covered in hologram stickers. Hey, at least they were Easter hologram stickers! We finally settled on 3 in the front, 1 on each hand, 1 on Hudson's back, and 2 on mama's arm.
4. Glo Doddle. Perhaps the single best toy invention EVER!!! Love this thing.

5. Gift Stash. Do you have one? I do! And I'm not talking about a pile of re-gifts, in case you're wondering ;) I've slowly been building up my gift stash. Everytime I see something I think someone on my shopping list for the year will like, or a fun toy for a little buddy's birthday, or an adorable baby gift...I've been picking it up, taking advantage of sales along the way.
I like to give themed gifts so the gift stash works especially well for that, and it's easy on the budget. This week I picked up beach buckets with shovels from the Easter clearance sale at Michael's in the cutest color combinations for just $1 each!! I plan on adding flip flops and a monogrammed beach towel for several of Grace's friends with summer birthdays.
Just today I was able to put together two baby gifts and two kids' birthday gifts out of my stash. Yipee! Coincidentally, this is my new favorite gift wrap combo:
6. Puppy Love. Grace got invited to her little school "boyfriend's" birthday party week after next. They're so funny around each other I can't wait to see how they act at the party. She's always telling me stories about Miles and Miles' mom told me he does the same about Grace. "Miles pushed my chair...and I told him DON'T DO THAT! (shaking finger)" "Miles shared his lollie with me" (yea, guess I need to go back and explain what's ok/not ok to share). So one day this past week I picked up Grace at school and the teachers were picking up the nap mats. Miles - such a little gentleman - rolled up Grace's mat for her. Grace coyly came up to me and said in the sweetest sing-song voice, "Miles is a VERY strong boy". Oh, my!
7. Siblings. It's always fun and games...
9. A Riddle. Can you guess what this little picture is all about? I'll give you a hint...think summertime.
10. A Reward. Maybe for just reading this far! HA, HA. Not sure if anyone will guess that one correctly or not, but just to make it fun, first correct answer wins! I'll send you a custom birthday hat in your choice of colors and initial or number. Because I love birthdays :)
So that's it. Ten random thoughts. Thanks for indulging me. At least it kept my mind off my camera woes for a half hour or so!
UGH - I just now read about your camera card. I am SO sorry! I would be very upset, too!!! Are you taking it to a camera store today? That would be my only suggestion. The people at my local Ritz Camera are very helpful. I'll say a little prayer that you can get your pictures out!
Oh - and I totally know what that picture is! It's Grace's outfit to wear to Hudson's birthday party - am I right???? =)
Oh - and I forgot to mention that I hear you on the picking your battles - I spent yesterday at the mall shopping for some spring clothes for my daughters. They are 11 and 6, and let's just say that we didn't really agree on what is "cute!" We came home with lots of peace signs and bright colors - sigh. But, at least Emily wore a bow in her hair today with her peace sign dress and denim leggings LOL!!!
PS - you are the best gift wrapper! Love that color combo!
I hope your camera card problem gets resolved today! Not totally sure what the picture is but I am guess a cute rffled twirl skirt or dress. Love the colors and a fabrics! Also, where di you get the fabric for the pillowcase dress you made Grace....I LVOE it! I'm sure it's out of print but would love to have it for my Easter stash for next year!
I love your blog!! Grace reminds me so much of my youngest daughter.
so i'm not going to be the first to guess, huh? I'm sure it's for Hudson's party...I've seen really cute Dr. Seuss themed party ideas on blogland!
Hudson looks absolutely adorable in his Easter jonjon...and I love the blue one with the bunny collar in previous post...not girly at all!
I'm sure the techies will be able to retrieve your pictures...positive thoughts and prayers coming your way!
My guess is a cute dress for Grace! :)
Heather~ you WIN! Man, that was too easy ;) And here I thought that maybe the girly outfit would throw you guys off! Yes, Dr. Seuss birthday party it is for Hudson! Email me what style you would like and I'll get your hat out to you lickety split. And by the way, hooray for a bow with the peace signs & leggins!!!! he, he, he
Amber~ I wish I remembered who manufactured that sweet bunny toile fabric :( I bought it at a local boutique the day of the pillowcase dress class a couple of years ago so I bet it is out of print. I have a tiny remnant left but alas no selvedge edge to tell me the manufacturer. So sorry!
Angela~ Hi! So glad you stopped by :)
Sarah~ We love those jon jons!! :)
Lovin' the Dr. Seuss party theme!
I'm emailing you my favorite chicken salad recipe.
Thanks for the recipe, Angel!! Can't wait to try it out!
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