OvER the RaiNBow
This little hat is going to help sweet little EG celebrate her unicorn rainbow party in style! There's something about rainbows, isn't there? When I showed it to the little pumpkin she said, "Ooooooh, this is the most gorgeous one you've ever made...and look she's going to be 5 like me!!!!!" he he he
I hope you love it, EG!
BaCK to SchOOL
I LOVE back to school shopping!! I'm slowly making my way through my sewing to-do list and now that Noonie is back I know I'll finally make some headway - ha!
This little tee is still missing a tiny green bow on the stick right above the apple, and I still need to sew some coordinating ruffle pants...or if the little pumpkin gets her way, a skirt...but I thought a caramel apple shirt might be cute for those early Fall months when it's still super hot here.
And speaking of.....did you know that Walmart has these girly cotton tees, perfect for appliques, for $3.88??! I was so excited to stumble upon them since our local Target stores have had nONe for a very long time.
I'm so sad that we don't get to actually shop for school supplies for the little pumpkin. At Grace's orientation, we went ahead and bought all her supplies bundled up as part of a school fundraiser. I think we'll still go and fill up a basket to donate to schools in need...that way we'll get our fix and do a little good at the same time. BUT, I do have the littles' lunchboxes and backpacks ready to go! Yay!
We fInALLy got teacher assignments and we're so super excited that Grace got the teacher we hoped she would get. Yeah! Her classroom theme is wHaLEs so of course I had to order this cute little top from Smockadot Kids and I'm already thinking of some fun whale-themed stuff so if you have any ideas, send them my way! ;)
And there's just something about woodland critters, isn't there? I love this sweet top from Lavender Bird Creation - one of my new etsy faves.
NooNIe is BaCK!
We sure did miss you these past two weeks, Noonie! And tHaNk yOU Mimi for helping with the littles while I was at work and Noonie was gone!!! The two of you are such a blessing to Lance and I - love you both!
Noonie came home bearing gifts! Do you remember playing with these when you were little???!
The littles love their Wooly Willies!! {------ isn't that such a silly name??!
Noonie made Hudson this little jon jon. Don't ask about the fabric...he picked it out himself!!
She also finished this sweet flutter dress for Grace!
...the fabric? *I* picked it out - ha!
rAiN + dIrT
Hmmmm...should I?........................Why YES!
The littles always beg to go jump in puddles even when there's just a little drizzle outside, so on this day, their wish was granted!
We donned wellies and went outside and soon the jumping turned into a..........MUdfIgHT!!!
These smiles, these chuckles, this is what it's all about. I want to remember this on days I feel all we do is rush, rush.
cHop, cHop
I chopped my hair off!
Added a few highlights too...to cover the gray, shhhhh.
This was a couple of weeks ago, right after we got back from Puerto Rico.
And this is now...I like it both ways but I'm always up for a little change.
And finally, Vacation Bible School!!!
This year I was one of the teachers for the K5 group. My friend Kristi and I had 25 littles and oh, boy, were they cute...and busy...and funny...did I mention, busy?
Our theme was Babylon...Daniel's Courage in Captivity. What a great week! I think the praise music was a favorite with all the littles.
Grace got to go on stage today and she loved every minute of it. {This} was her favorite song.
But in the end, this is what it's all about...helping littles learn more about Jesus...bringing them closer to our sweet Lord. They were precious! Oh, to have faith like a child...so pure, so unabashed, so completely trusting and whole-hearted.
Hope you're having a great Summer!

Love your new haircut! And grace's flutter dress!
Looks like the littles are having a blast even though you all are busy busy! Love the cute flutter! I need to get out that fabric and make something for Reese! You know in all my spare time...hehe.
Love the new style. I have been growing mine out (including my bangs) for months and am ready for something different already!
Your hair looks great!!!
Ahhhhh! We are breaking the party hat in tomorrow when we take 5 year old pics! Sad thing is, I remember getting ready for her one year photo session literally like it was three weeks ago. There is something about this particular birthday that is making me extra sad. I'm not sure HOW in the world you are coping with KinDErGaRtEn! I'll end the same way that I began.....Ahhhhhh! Love you and thanks again for the precious hat! Glad to know your Grace loved it too!
Ahhhhh! We are breaking the party hat in tomorrow when we take 5 year old pics! Sad thing is, I remember getting ready for her one year photo session literally like it was three weeks ago. There is something about this particular birthday that is making me extra sad. I'm not sure HOW in the world you are coping with KinDErGaRtEn! I'll end the same way that I began.....Ahhhhhh! Love you and thanks again for the precious hat! Glad to know your Grace loved it too!
You are probably already aware of this but please see the link below for a lovely whale themed party on hostess with the mostess which may give you some inspiration:
Mrs SJ Adams
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