Sweetly coloring or contemplating his next move??? Hmmm...whatcha think?

Luckily, I was right there to throw Tiki Tiki a lifeline. Yup, that was after unrolling all the toilet paper rolls, taking all the dvds out of their cases (but he hangs on to The Godfather...Lance's favorite...Lance, he is sooo your son...he he he), dumping the goldfish crackers all over the floor, refusing to eat anything, and creating "art" with Grace's chapstick collection in the bathroom.
Dare I say, "terrible two's". Gulp, I think I'll wait.
A friend shared this quote with me a while back and I love it!
"The days are long but the years are short."
Isn't that so true when parenting littles? I find myself saying the quote in my head a lot. But I need to put it into practice more. I need to let go of things that don't matter and refocus on the ones that do...with a ferocious passion.
This 1 minute video is helping...The Years Are Short
While googling the quote to cite the author, I came upon this article:
Ten Ways to be a More Light-Hearted Parent by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project
Great stuff! Practical stuff. Stuff I need to remind myself about and put into practice. I will say though...and I know this is a little thing to most...but hey, it's how I feel, and these are my ramblings so let's put it out there...I know people use the word "commandments" all the time - to paraphrase their "top tips" or most important points, but call me old-fashioned, I really only like to hear the word "commandment", when talking about God's 10 Commandments. {end soap box}
Off to chase these sweet piggies...stepping over the goldfish and all.

You may be my little tornado but Mama is crazy about you, my little snuggle bug!
oh I so understand! Mom of a 22 month old who.. well you know. Ahh@! but then the cuddles and its aw!
I loved that video and really needed to see it. My two older ones are out on spring break and it has been a rough start but like it said in the video this is their childhood this is their spring break.
When my older daughter started school that is when it really hit me that the day are long but the years go by so fast.
I seem to remember a little 2 years old girl that grabbed the end of a new toilet tissue roll that was in the bathroom and walked with it from the bathroom, through the hall, through the living room and into the kitchen where I was cooking, leaving a "beautiful" trail of tissue.
(I wonder how and when that saying "What goes around comes around" started?)
ENJOY those moments and LAUGH!
Love, Mom/Noonie
I am SOOOOOO right there with you. For the first time, I've been getting frustrated with Carter. I feel so guilty for fussing at him, but he is SUPER feisty lately! It makes me crazy! He is also into everything, and wants his way all the time. Even though I have done this before, it doesn't make it any easier. Thank goodness he is so loving! He truly melts my heart with his sweet kisses and his "yuv you mamas". Hang in there, you are not alone!
Great video! In our house it's Ms. Middle that's got us perplexed. Still trying to figure her out. I don't think I had a clue about how difficult parenting would be. Every day I wonder if I'm up to the task. I need to keep reminding myself...prayer, prayer and more prayer.
Shew, I think I'm glad I had my very active son first...I thought that was how all kids behaved yet still couldn't wait to add to the chaos when we welcomed our Grace. Imagine my surprise, lol ;)
Our kids teach us something new, and something different about ourselves everyday :)
In case I haven't said it lately, I love your blog!
I love that video. I'm still crying from watching it. Just reminds me you that this time is fleeting and we need to remember to enjoy it, even the rough days. I have rough days too Jessica. Woo hoo for entering the terrible two's! :)
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