
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

orange crush

Oh my, I should be asleep. But I fell asleep putting the littles to bed and 4 hrs. later I am now wide awake...and hungry. Arrgggh.

This week before halloween is B-U-S-Y. Two halloween parties, one field trip, a visit to the corn maze, our annual pumpkin show, the school & church's fall carnivals, sewing club and the list goes on and on...I volunteered to bring favors for the little pumpkin's halloween party and I'm thankful that I had put these treats together a week or so ago or they probably wouldn't have gotten done.
Treats for princesses...Treats for superheros...And of course, the little pumpkin's favorite...
gOogly-eYed sPidEr rINgs!
Treats for Hudson's class were a bit harder to come up with due to the allergies in his class and the fact that they stand in a circle and trick or treat each other so treats had to be something he could easily hand out to his little two year old classmates. He loves to come up behind me and say BOO! so these friendly little ghosts were perfect for him.And the contents...all ORANGE themed of course! Well, except maybe that Wendy's free frosty coupon we tucked in there, but who could pass that treat up??? Yum!We gave his teachers & Mrs. Cheryl, the MDO Director, these fun soaps.

Orange - or should I say "orange juice" seems to be the color du jour. Fitting since it's halloween, huh? But I'm talking about Hudson's obsession love of the bright, cheery shade. Except now he'll say, "that not orange juice, that's orange" - so sweet.
Nevermind that he has a cute felt halloween bag, he had a meltdown insisted this orange pumpkin come home with him during our trip to Walmart on Monday. Now I'm all for teaching moments, especially where moderation is concerned, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. This $1 giant plastic bucket allowed me to shop for cleaning supplies in peace.We've been enjoying some fun Sonic treats here lately...and don't let Hudson fool you - look at his shirt - he had already gobbled his ice cream cone by the time we got home!Today was hat day at the little pumpkin's preschool. They both looked so cute ready for school this morning I wanted to take a little picture...not sure what's with Grace's silly face...Arrrgh, ScARy!!! he he he...check out HudsonI can just hear her..."Fine, if you won't do it..." "I'll just do it myself! GRRRRRRROWL!!"Happy {week before} Halloween!


Stevie said...

Such fabulous treats! I love the little pails. The rings attached with the tags are too cute. As always love your munchkins' outfits!

Carrie said...

LOVE the all orange themed treat bags!

Anonymous said...

Love your site. I only have one son left at home but I can certainly learn tricks from you my granddaughter.
I’m a follower

Jessica said...

You guys are too sweet. Thank you for all the nice comments!