And I'll hold it for you too, okay?!
I found two things that I wanted to get for you, an angel and this ring cage (he he he). I wanted to get both but since Mrs. Bryan said we could only pick one thing for our mommy and one thing for our daddy, I saw that this one had baby Jesus and I knew you would like it the best, so I picked this one for you. Do you like it, mama?
Oh, my sweet little pumpkin...I LOVE IT!
{So sweet!...You don't even know how happy it made me to hear her say that. I'm so glad she feels that way because some days I worry that with all the craziness of coming & going, we don't take enough time to just focus on the things that really matter.}
{notice Hudson's little hand in the corner...he dropped everything he was doing to come check out the flashlight!}
Mama & Daddy

SUCH a sweet post!
Soooo SWEET!!!! G did a great job!!! Reese: look she is wearing pink, and a tutu....I think she is a fairy. Me: I think she was at dance class. Reese: Me too I need to go to dance class too :)
I almost teared sweet!! You have a wonderful family!! I know you treasure it every single day!! What a sweet little girl!!!
Oh my this is too precious! I'm tearing up and it's not even my family! haha I'm sure you will always treasure that memory. So glad Noonie snapped pics too! :)
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