Papa J has done an amazing job with their garden. They just had their dinner club on Saturday and all of the centerpieces were blooms from their yard. Like this bouquet of pink hydrangeas.....LOVE!!
The little pumpkin was most excited about the prospect of taking a whirl on..............the tire swing, of course!!
I wish I would have taken out the big camera {these are all phone pics} but I LOVE this sweet pic of Noonie giving her a spin!
Hudson was not interested in the tire swing, but he was all about being pulled in the "wagon" and Noonie was happy to indulge him...he he he.
He investigated these "berries"...
Turned out they were lantana buds! Aren't they beautiful?
He was so funny checking things out..."I think I saw a bird flying right up there. I hope he doesn't poop on me!" Somehow potty humor makes its way to this little fella's conversations almost all the time! Must be a boy thing??!
These tomatoes were sooooooo yummy!!!! Nothing better than homegrown fruits & veggies!
Seriously, forget the phones/ipads/kindles/dvds/electronics ...this is what childhood should be all about!
Oh, and this too...
{even if she was bluffing to spook us when we went by!!!}
After playing in their yard and enjoying a light lunch, we took our zoo to the zoo!
We fed the fish in the koi pond...
"Rode" the elephant...
Even talked Noonie into getting up there! Ha!
Walked the trails...
Went on our very own safari expedition...
Took the scenic train ride...
And did some fun moves near the totem pole!
Sure wish Papa J could have joined us but he was working - boo! We did visit him at work for just a second and left him a frozen treat for when he got home!
We finished our day with some delicious peach milkshakes from Chick-fil-A.... yummmmmmmy! And then it was time to gather my zoo and come home!
So even if the zoo wasn't quite up to par with lots of remodeling and construction going on, we had a super fun day - thank you for being our tour guide, Noonie! The littles can't wait to come back and play in "Noonie & Papa J's big house"! We love you!

We love to have you over! I know the kids really enjoy the backyard. Let's do it more often!
Looks like such a fun (albeit hot) day. Especially the peach shakes. Yum!
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