Be forewarned - I have LOTS of pictures to share! Should have made a collage or something, but oh well, didn't have time for the extra step.
Here's the sweet table ready to go
A little token of appreciation for the mamas
Some of the sweet treats
I had every intention of making more cupcake pops, but ran out of time so I ended up making the simplified version: marshmallow pops! And boy am I glad I did. I always think those are way too sweet for my taste, but the kiddos LOVED them - it was by far their favorite treat.
To balance out all the sugary stuff and since our playdate was from 4-6pm, I also served heart shaped chicken salad sandwiches (cheated and bought the chicken salad premade from a favorite local deli), grilled cheese pockets, blueberry muffins, "french fry" apples (thinly sliced to look like french fries - kids LOVE these! - thanks mom for slicing all of these!!), grapes, carrot sticks with ranch, and cucumber dip with chiken-in-a-biscuit crackers (another southern staple :).
And even though the table was set for both food and projects, everyone ended up around the mini buffet - figures! How could I forget the kitchen island is always THE place to gather!
Amelia and Grace coloring

Project Time! The glitter glue, although a little messy, was definitely a hit!
Eric, you were such a great sport to bring Amelia and help her with all the girlie, glittery, heart-shaped art stuff!! Cori, we missed you and Abram bunches! I hope he's feeling lots better from all the teething and I hope he enjoyed the goodies we sent home for him with Amelia. Thanks for the sweet valentine treats and cookies - the kids gobbled them up!
Could her piggy tails be any cuter?? She even let me twirl them around my finger, all the while telling me the sweetest knock-knock jokes - love her!
Grace telling me exactly which stickers she wanted where Hard at work...notice the marshmallow pop STILL in hand?
Beau had lots of fun with the silver glitter glue!
Sweet sisters Madeline and Ella Kate with their mama Heidi
Thanks Noonie for staying at the last minute to help - couldn't have finished all the food prep without you!!
Miss Maye and her mama Michelle
Sweet girlies
Finally Lance made it home! I think Eric was happy to finally have another guy to talk to :) You know you're a daddy put crayons behind your ear like a pen.
Our attempt at a group shot
Hugs, kisses, and sweet goodbyes...
Thank you Amelia, Maye, Beau, Madeline, and Ella Kate for coming to Grace's playdate. And THANK YOU Eric, Michelle, and Heidi for bringing them!! We had so much fun and we loved having you. Hope to do it again soon!
Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Happy Valentine's to you all. Preston woke up with the a stomach virus (or we hope that is all it is).
P.S. I am glad Grace likes the Dora book.
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