Sea World Day Two {MDG Trip 2011}
As if Day One wasn't enough to completely wear us out, we let the little pumpkin talk us into going back and using our free passes for a second day at Sea World San Antonio.
Let me just say for anyone that may visit SW...go during the WEEK. I don't know if it was because it was Saturday or just because it was the beginning of the summer season, but oh my, it was CROWDED on 3x as crowded as Friday.
And anyone with littles knows that crowded + HOT + wait in lines = a combination for disaster.
Suddenly not so sure about her request...
The only way we could bribe him was with cotton candy. Mouthfuls of sugar, yes, just what he needed, SUGAR.
She soon learned that the spray fan plus cotton candy equal a soggy mess! {...and the stroller rental was a LIFESAVER}
Dolphin observation & feeding time!
Grace: Hudson, Hudson - don't get too close. There are SHARKS in there! Hudson: I LIKE shaks.
Waiting for the beluga whale & dolphin show to start... 
Still more interested in the drinking container than on the actual show :)
Off to check out the penguins! It was their winter so everything was kept dark to simulate their natural environment, which meant we couldn't see them too well.
Showing me how the penguins walk :)
We rode the Shamu Express (kid's rollercoaster) again but decided not to do the splash park again at the Bay of Play due to the crowds. When I say crowded, I mean CRAZY crowded. You could barely push the stroller without running into someone.
Ice cream break before calling it a day...
As we were leaving the park, the little pumpkin said she could not take another step...guess exhaustion was setting in. No Shamu Preferred Parking on this day meant we had to take desperate measures!
Even with the heat and the crowds we had the best time at Sea World!! Thank you Noonie for such a fun treat!
And one last tip...if you go to SW San Antonio in the summer, check out the healthier food (think turkey croissants and turkey wraps) at the Sea Star Market & Cafe by the Bay of Play and then take it to the Seafire Grille to eat (non-healthy fare, but it's air conditioned!)
It looks like ya'll had an awesome time!!! Hot, but fun!
Love the pictures!
we were there this weekend too and yes saturday was crazy packed!! we spent most of the day at the water park though and only did one show!
I had an awesome time and know that we built precious memories with the kids (such as "the blue spider in the middle of the night"; the "la-la-la" chorus of Grace, Hudson and Noonie; the "Who built the ark" song; and so many more! My only sad part is that I lost my pretty hat. Oh well!
I'm already dreaming about our next trip.
Lots of love, Mom/Noonie
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