for the grandparents...
Sunday is Grandparents Day! One of my favorite days for sure...yes, even if it was a "Hallmark created" holiday according to my hubs.
Lance and I have been blessed with amazing grandparents and now our littles have the same.
Grace and Hudson are so fortunate to have wonderful, loving grandparents who are involved in their day-to-day life and for that we are beyond grateful.
But grandparents don't have to be blood-related, you know? If you happen to be retired or don't have grands near you, why not volunteer your time at a local Boys/Girls Club or even help out a family who doesn't have grands nearby.
I guess all of this is especially on my mind today since it was Grandparents Day at Grace's preschool and some of the kids didn't have grands that live nearby. Mimi & Pop and Noonie were able to make it - the little pumpkin was so excited - THANK YOU!! I know all her grands wish they could have been there but their work schedules didn't allow for a middle-of-the-week-at-10am school activity. No worries - we love you all so much!
My little "prairie girl" ready for Grandparents Day at school :)
So in honor of Grandparents Day, I asked Grace to tell me about her grandparents and this is what she said:
I love when Mimi comes over because she plays all sorts of things with me and let's me watch movies.
Hudson chimed in..."Meme house so BIG!"
Pop is so tall and funny and he always flips us over his head!
I love my Noonie because she loves me and she makes me smile and she likes to do homework with me.
Papa J makes me laugh because he is silly and I love to swing on the tire swing at Noonie & Papa J's other house.
I love Papaw & Mimsy and they make me happy.
Memema (Lance's grandma...the littles' great grandma) is really quiet and sweet.
Tata (my grandma...the littles' great grandma) lives far away and she is sick, but has a really sweet smile.
What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.
~Rudolph Giuliani
Happy {early} Grandparents Day!
We love you all so, sO, SO much!
Lance, Jessica, Grace & Hudson
I think we are all very fortunate!
I had very good grandparents too!
I even had the privilege to know my maternal great-grandmother and share with her until my early teens. There's nothing like grandkids! The love we feel for them is undescribable. Grace and Hudson: I love you with all my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all the sweet pics, but i think my fave is the last one!!!
How sweet. And how very fortunate to have so many grandparents to love!!!
Yay for grandparents. Had not idea they had a day coming up. Ours are all out of town!
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