It was sooooooooooooooo bittersweet for me. I'm happy for our little boy to experience all the fun activities that come with preschool this Fall, but at the same time, this sweet little MDO program has been our home for the past 4 years...2008-2010 with Grace and 2010-2012 with Hudson. Mrs. Cheryl, the director, joked with me that I need to hurry up and have baby #3 so she can see me every Tu & Th again! HA!
I LOVE the teachers there. I love that it's part of our church. I love that it's a small program in the cutest little building ever. I love that they teach our littles about Jesus. I love the sweet church songs. I'm having withdrawals :(
The last day of school at MDO is always such a treat for all the littles...jumpy jumps and take-out kiddie meals. I surprised Hudson by stopping by just as he was about to go jump...
This is such a "Lance expression"...I can't get over it! HA!
So grown up and having the time of his life!!!
When deciding on party favors or class gifts to share with friends I always try to think of something that the littles are into or love and this year was no exception. Hudson L*O*V*E*S bubbles so bubbles it was! I added the cute {free!} printable by Beth Proudfoot and voila!
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU, Mrs. Cheryl, Mrs. Veronica, Mrs. Laura, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Rebekah, Mrs. Maria, and Mrs. Patti for 4 wonderful years! I pray God will bless you in a special way for loving and nurturing our littles and so many others through the Mother's Day Out ministry.
And...It's only been less than a week and I already miss you all so much :(
On a happy note...6 years ago today we became Mr. & Mrs. Yay us! We celebrated with a fancy dinner Friday night. Good times!

So fun to see the pics if H as he has grown...bittersweet I know!
Happy late Anniversary :)
Happy Anniversary! We share the date and it's our 6th also! :))
Oh my goodness! It is amazing to see the growing up changes in Hudson through these 4 pictures. Wow! He was my chubby baby and now he is my little man.
And to his proud parents: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
With all my love, Mom/Noonie
Thank y'all!
What a coincidence, Lori Beth!! Happy Anniversary to you too!
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