Some fun pictures from this morning...
Feeling excited...and a little nervous too!
The current kindergarteners sang a couple of songs to welcome everyone, including one in Spanish. I was excited about that!
Hanging out with her buddy Hayden...they do look like twins, don't they??!
Grace was so excited when two of the cheerleaders took a picture with her! I love that they had the older students helping out everywhere.
{and sorry for the poor quality of the pics :(.......this was in an indoor/outdoor hall and the lighting was crazy, combined with the point-n-shoot I was using...}
This was so sweet...
Grace was feeling pretty shy with all the new faces and when we walked into this classroom, one of her classmates from last year came and hugged her, then grabbed her hand and showed her all around the classroom. Thank you, Ruby! You were SO sweet and it meant the world to Grace!
Grace with Ruby and sweet M, the other little girl that showed her around...
Grace and our friend excited that she'll be in school with many of our good friends next year!
Grace and Kaylen, another sweet friend from last year...
She wanted her picture taken by this snake but by the time I got the camera ready she was sporting this silly 'ole "cheese" grin...HA!
So happy to hang out with her buddy McKinley!
Obligatory pic with mama - HA!
Oh my, it was soooooooooo humid today, my hair was poofing up like a chia pet!!
...and a pic with Daddy, of course!
So sad that we didn't get one with all 3 of us together...
Sporting her new school spirit gear...
I can't believe we have a KiNDerGaRtnER!!!
Back soon to share pics from her Art Awards Ceremony!!

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