I'm behind on posting Hudson's birthday pictures {working on them NOW!} but here's a little sneak peek...
In between going here and there, working, and keeping up the home, I've been sneaking little snippets of time to make some fun applique shirts and tanks.
This was Grace's "Princess Leia" tank that I started a little after midnight the day of Hudson's birthday!!! I only had about an hour before I just had to hit the sack, so I didn't even get to stitch around it, but it was wearable and she loved it!
I hand sketched it in a hurry and I think it sort of resembles a Lalaloopsy girl, but she said it was "Leia-ish" and that she liked her "swirly twirly hair buns" so I guess it's okay after all. I plan to finish it soon *famous last words*...
And then there are these super fun state tanks that I've decided to start making. This one was for a sweet friend's little girl and she loved it! Yay!
They are easily dressed up {think maxi skirt} or down {athletic shorts} and look super cute layered. I use Gap tanks because I like their quality better. And of course, they are hand stitched for that personal touch :) State tanks are $30 shipped. I'm taking a limited number of orders on the tanks in girls sizes XS to L. Send me an email if you'd like one...several fun colors to choose from!
July is going to be a whirlwind, hence why I'm taking a break from birthday hats. We've got VBS, then school camp, then a work trip, then Mother-Daughter-Grands trip, and hoping to squeeze in one more family vacay before the school bells start ringing! Here's a little hint about one of our trips...adorable top made by my friend Sara!
And then there is a certain PopSiCLe ParTY the little pumpkin is begging me to have....we'll see!
Hope you're making memories with your littles every chance you get!

Jessica, love the tanks! I've emailed you to request two for my little ladies.
Sounds great, Elizabeth! On the road but will check tonight! :)
Hi Jessica! I love your tanks! I would love to order two tanks from you! But I can't figure out how to email you! haha! Would you mind posting your address or commenting back on how to get in touch with you? the tanks are precious!
Hi, Elizabeth!
My email is jessica@littlepumpkingrace.com.
Thank you!!
Such a good mamma you are! Your kiddos are so lucky and will look back on all of the wonderful things you did for them with love.
Looking forward to seeing the birthday pictures! I am in the process of putting together my daughters party and I have been looking over some of you past parties. I love the food you did this year for Grace's party.
Princess Leia tank is just adorable & so unique. I love how you incorporated that vintage mickey sheet into such as sweet top :-) These state tank top are too cute!!! Glad your enjoying your littles this summer & having fun! Your blog always inspires me to get Creative!
ohhhhhhhh. stop. love the mickey combo. can't wait to see the Ariel one!!!
and why are you not selling adult sized tanks. i was NOT joking about a TEXAS one!!
I sent you an email yesterday...I would love to have a tank for Josie.
Thanks, Kelli! Grace's picnic food was my favorite party food I've ever put together! Healthy and yummy! :)
Thank you, Angel! Hope you are having a fun Summer!!
Ashleigh & Missy~ I've got you girls taken care of!! :)
Ok- I sooo want to tag along on your girls trip. I CAN'T wait to see pictures! I can not even imagine what all you must be planning. I always know where to look when I need a little push to keep on making those memories! This heat seems to be wiping me out. Love your posts!!
I must say that cute fashion lies here .It's really cool.
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