Because it feels like 5,000.
It's now day 5 and I still feel horrible. I think I've consumed enough Sudafed and TheraFlu to buy stock in both companies. Today I caved and asked my mom to call me in a prescription because my chest feels like it's on fire everytime I cough.
So we spent our "snow days" inside. No pictures
(so sad!). No crafts, just barely getting by. We had some commitments that couldn't be avoided so Lance and I ventured out for those but my, it's so hard to try and be social when all you feel like doing is curling up on the sofa in your comfiest jog suit.
We were walking toward the carousel hand in hand, talking about girly things and watching the little birds play with each other. The little pumpkin must have been watching them too closely because as she laughed about one stealing a chip from the other, WHAM! she ran right smack into an iron bench, busting her little lip open.
My, my, my, why do lips have to bleed so much???? I wanted to turn around and go home but a little someone wanted to ride the carousel reaaaally bad so after getting cleaned up, off we went "fat lip" and all.
Is it March yet?
NOTE: All birthday hat invoices have now been sent out.
Sorry for the delay :(
Luv the dress and the shoes! That Angel is incredible! I hope you all feel better soon. Have a great week!
Oh you poor girl. Feel better soon! Grace's outfit is adorable. And what a trooper for still wanting to stay after a split lip! Ouch! You speak so much of your Mom, and her helping you out with the children. I was wondering, does she still practice? Perhaps she only works part time. If so, the best of both worlds!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!
oh no! Hope you all feel better soon! Love Grace's dress :)
Oh Jessica!!! I am ready for March too!! I hope all gets better for you and the kiddos really soon!! Loved her outfit!!!
Grace looks beautiful! I hope you all feel better soon! It's hard when Momma is sick so I'll be thinking about all of you!
Thanks you all so much! FINALLY beginning to feel better =)
Rachel~ I discovered your blog the other day and I LOVE it! Thanks for all the yummy recipes!
Hi, Kris~ My mom retired from 30+ years in practice in Aug, 2006, right after we found out we were expecting Grace! So now she has just 2 little patients... hmmm... make that 3 if you count me in! HA! I feel so blessed that she watches my kiddos 2 of the 3 days I'm in the office (my MIL watches them the other day). TWO AMAZING LADIES! Sure couldn't do it without them!
Oh I'm so sad you have been sick for so long. Makes it so much more difficult to take care of those babes too. It doesn't surprise me that she recovered so well with a carousel waiting for her. What a trooper! Hang in there, it will get better.
Thanks, Angel!
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