so quiet...I miss him. A LOT.
Today, my little sidekick started the 2 year old class at our church's Mother's Day Out. The same wonderful program that's been a part of our family for the past 3 years...2 years with Grace before she started preschool and now the second year with Hudson.
We made alphabet flowers for his sweet teachers...
...and even had enough daisies leftover to put in a smaller jar and leave by the front door of an unsuspecting neighbor. Sure hope it brightens her day.
He let me take a few okay, a LOT of pictures. And he even smiled in a few :)
When I said "car.backpack." and showed it to him for the first time, he flashed me the sweetest little smile and when I put it on him, his little chest poofed up with school pride.
He kept saying "vroom, vroom". I think the backpack was a hit.
He loved checking out his new lunchbag...
Little boy...Big boy...Little boy...Big Boy...I'm sticking with "little boy" for now :)
Big sis found him a lovie..."just in case he gets lonely at nap know he LOVES cows, Mama". Yes he does. He sure does.
Ready, Mama.
Let's go!
A trusty friend kept us company during the half-hour lag between big sister's drop-off and his school bell...
Oh, melt my heart, why don't you...
"Smell the flowers, Hudson."
he he he...thank you for keeping it real!
Excited to see Mrs. Cheryl, the Director...
"Hold them tight, with both hands like a big boy and give them to Mrs. Maria." He did so good...until he spotted the toys...
"Eh-lo, Mis Paddi" (hello, Mrs. Patti)...zoom!
This time it was the puzzles :)
Animal puzzles. He's in school heaven.
Not a single tear. He was happy and excited to be there. I don't blame him - he has two of the sweetest teachers around. And art. And music. And fun little snacks. And 11 little friends to play with. And a climbing/jumping playground gym...sure does a mama's heart good to know her littles are happy at school.
As I hung his backpack on the peg rack, my heart felt a little bit sad and my mind wandered back & forth between a million different thoughts. This is the last year for MDO. Next year it's official preschool for my little boy. My babies are growing up. We didn't get a family picture today. Couldn't. Too many different schedules.
As I walked back into the lobby, lo and behold as if on cue, it was Hudson's portion of last year's video yearbook.
This was the last frame...
God is in the details.
What a sweet reminder! Thank you for that little big God wink!
And with that we have officially started our new school year. Can't wait to see what this year brings!
I know you're going to have the best time ever at MDO in the "big kid" class, Hudson!
We love you even more than you love your Panda Bear!{and that's A LOT}
Mama, Daddy & Grace
Oh my goodness is he ever a sweetie! I love his outfit with the yellow schoolbus. His lunchbag is fabulous!!! Happy New School Year.
My he has changed SO much since I began to follow your blog!!! Does tear at your heartstrings, doesn't it!!!
Love, love, LOVE all the pictures of him with his new backpack and lunchbox, especially the one from his side, where he is smiling and looking so proud! He's a happy and gregarious boy (and smart,too!),so I know he'll have a great time at MDO this year.
Love you lots, my dear Hudson!
Wow he has grown so much..since i started to follower your Blog, Lucky you to have such great kids.
enjoy them they grow so fast to fast...
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