Yesterday was Hudson's 1 year old check up.
He's doing A-OK! While waiting for his pediatrician, he LOVED talking to and kissing that sweet baby in the mirror :) - Hudson
luvvvvs that baby!

He tries to play shy when his pediatrician walks into the room but after a few seconds he's all smiles.

Poor little guy received 3 immunizations today - OUCH!
Today's stats:
Height: 31 inches (75%)
Weight: 24 lbs. 4 oz. (75%)
Head: 18.25" (50%)
He's growing so fast!
And to make up for all the ouchies today,
he had his first lollie!...with mama's help, of course. Daddy had to go back to work so we headed home to wait for Noonie so we could go to our Friday Lunch Date. Since Noonie was almost ready, we ended up waiting for her in the parking lot of her doctor's office. Out came that lollie!

At first he wasn't too sure what to do with it. He looked at it for a while before putting it in his mouth and trying to bite it. When that didn't work he started licking it and realized how sweet it tasted - YUM! Buckets full of baby drool later he ate it all!
Another "first". A sticky, drooly, sweet first. Life is Good!
Your kids are so sweet. Hooray for first lollys!
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