If you haven't been lately and you have a little girl, you totally should go.
They have the cutest little spring play dresses, like
this one:
(sorry for the crummy lighting)
The leggins are from the Gap Outlet - I couldn't pass up those cute little (slightly uneven - ha!) buttons.
And totally not fashion related but who can pass up 49¢
red melamine polka dot plates??? Yes, I got these last week at 75% clearance from the valentine stuff, but I'm thinking 4th of July picnic :){super sweet image via here...because I heart taffy}
Then again...polka dots and bounce houses do sound good together, no?
Repeat after me...
I will not try to beautify the jumpy jump bounce place.
I will not try to beautify the jumpy jump bounce place.
I will not try to beautify the jumpy jump bounce place.
SO cute......LOL I purchased the polka dot plates too 49 cents woo hoo I also could not pass them up!!!
Such cuteness! I bought 2 of the red polka dot plates since they were only 50% off and was planning on stopping back ina day or two for more at a lower price. But, of course, I forgot and am so sad I only have 2 of them :)
Our Target only has 2 of the cute dresses so I hope I see some of the others there soon! Love the 2nd on with the Sprite leggings! Love the adorable Gap Outlet leggings too! Ahhh....spring please come and SNOW GO AWAY!!!
Yikes, I might have to try to squeeze Emily into some of those 5t's as tops - she wears a 7, but is so slim that sometimes 5t's will fit her if she wears capris or shorts underneath! Those are precious!
And Jessica, I have ZERO doubt that you will try to beautify the jump place! It's in the blood LOL!!!
Side note - wish I would have seen those plates for Carter's Mickey Mouse party =( Those would have been SOOO cute!
I was looking forward to see how you were going to beautify the jummpy jump. I agree it is in your blood. However, if it means stressing definately keep repeating "I will not" to yourself. Just keep enjoying every minute! - oh and take a ton of pictures! Grace's beautiful smile will beautify the jumpy jump for sure!!!
BTW... can't wait to purchase some more out grown clothes! Those are precious! I would LOVE the shoes!
Very cute outfits. I need to let my sister know who has a "little girl".
I bought those plates too - at full price because I couldn't stand to miss them. But I'm going back to get more. I used them for my V-day breakfast table and plan to use them for my son's Carival party and then again at our Gingerbread house party at Christmas time. Love them!
I think I may need to make a quick stop at Target today!! Looking forward to hearing about and seeing pictures of the Jumpy House party! I am thinking of doing the same but i do want to pretty it up a bit.
where are the stripe leggings from? LOVE! thecoolkidsblog.com
So cute! Love Tarjay!! Although I think they have cuter clothes for older kids than babies.
Jessica, I almost bought that same dress (the top pic, blue/yellow with tan top) the other day. It is very cute! I liked the other one too. I have been known to go to 3 different Targets in one day!!! Searching for certain things and buying them out as I go. lol Love those dollar bins and the kids clothes too!
He, he, he ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one who got excited about those red polka dot plates!!
Heather, Andrea, Kelli~ I'm trying SO HARD not to worry about the aesthetics of the jumpy jump place but find myself dreaming up projects to make it a little cuter =)
The leggins are Matilda Jane...Sprite leggins from their Hammond Bay collection last spring. Available on ebay but for waaaaay more than what the leggins originally cost. Crazy how people scalp MJ!!?!
You have had me in hysterics this morning! Love the new mantra! But I say go for it! Beautify that Jumpy place..but take lots of pictures I want to see too!!!
Love those dresses they are gorgeous! Target in Australia is VERY different!
the link above is for some super cute favors from a bounce party...enjoy and your welcome!!!! :)
Target is the death of me. I shouldn't even be going in the toddler girl's section as my girls are 6 and 8 but I can't resist. I can still squeeze Jules into a 5T on occassion though ;) We had that first dress in our hands yesterday though and she told me it was too girly...WHAT? I think I'll go back and get it anyways because we have the sprites and that is toooo cute! Do you have the gum drop tee? That would be cute under it too with skinny jeans ;)
Thanks a lot. I was at Target twice last night and now I've got the itch again ;)
Grace look so BIG! God Bless
Amanda~ thanks for the link - cute!
Jenn~ we don't have the gumdrop tee but just looked it up on ebay and it WOULD be soooo cute! Target is the death of me too!
Thank you, Karinny!!!
And I just want to share with you all that I DID exhibit self-control with the jumpy jump beautification project :) he he he. Will post pics soon!
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