My dear friend Segi - who loves Halloween the most of anyone I know :) - brought Grace a little jack-o-lantern full of treats. To say Grace was excited was an understatement. She started feeling not so good after her nap and running a little fever (could it be related to the flu shot she got?) so Aunt Seddie's visit (as Grace tenderly refers to Segi) was just the boost my little pumpkin needed to perk right up. As soon as I told her Segi was coming, she ran to the door chanting, "Aunt Seddie, Aunt Seddie" (but not in a spooky way, okay? :)
Checking out all the goodies

Here, sit by me Aunt Seddie!

I'm not sure I know what "sweet tarts" are, but I think I like them!

Segi: "Grace, check out the mini m&m's."
Grace: "Wow!"

New books - yeaaay!

As soon as Segi pulled out of the driveway, the tears started - Grace didn't want to see her Aunt Seddie go home.
I heart you, Aunt Seddie!
XOXO, Grace
So cute! I have been putting together a halloween basket for Molly that I'm going to give her on Halloween morning. My husband thinks I'm crazy and tells me I'm acting like its Easter with the whole basket thing.
Anyway, I don't know if you've seen these Stuffed Owls on Etsy before or not, but they are so precious. I have one in Molly's room. She is having a fall sale right now so the price might be a little cheaper. I would convo her before you buy anything b/c those are not her sale prices listed.
I was just putting Molly down for a nap and was staring at the owl and thought it would be cute for Grace's Big Girl room!
Too funny! I just ran across those owls yesterday! Love that brown one with the sleepy eyes :) Thanks for the head up about the sale - will have to check it out!
I love the Halloween basket. Tell Aunt Seggie that she looks great. Also, I love the little girl's room, it is so cute.
Hi, Jammie!!! (or should I say busiest doc around - he, he, he). Grace mailed you a card this week :) By the way, did you get our message a while back? Call me when you have a mini break so we can catch up! Have LOTS to tell you!!! Can't wait to see you around Thanksgiving.
Love ya, girlie!
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