Grace and I have been busy putting together some yummy trick or treat bags full of homemade goodies for her classmates. This weekend, we were able to get a little practice in by making Chocolate Ghost Cakes (Southern Living - Oct, 2008) for our annual neighborhood fall fest. Boy, am I glad we did a trial run! Now I know to wait quite a bit longer for the frosting to harden than what the recipe calls for before piping it on to the chocolate squares. Some of our ghosts turned out a little spookier than others :). Nevertheless, we had so much fun with lots of finger tasting along the way!

Ooooh, check that one out!

Mmmm, mmmm, Good!

Mama, I think I'm ready to do it by myself :)

So proud of our treats!

A close up of our little spooky friends! (these are the ones that stayed home with us :)

Neighborhood Fall Fun Fest ~ we had fun meeting new neighbors and visiting with old friends.

And later, Grace enjoyed some fun time with Noonie and Papa A.J. who stopped by to say hello

And finally, getting ready for some pumpkin carving fun...more pictures to come!
This looked so much fun! Emerson would be to busy eating the food to decorate it :) Could Lance's pumpkin be any bigger? Can't wait to see the finished product!
Hi, Heather! You should try it - Emerson would have a blast! Grace decided some of the ghost cakes should be "swirly watercolor-style" cakes, if you get my drift. Can you tell she likes to finger paint? :)
I love Grace's pants in these pictures! How sweet is she! Such a little lady!
Awww, thanks Amanda!! Funny thing is I bought them as a set last Halloween for her to wear this year and oh, well, she's had a huge growth spurt so now they fit as capris and the cute little top that came with the set...can't even get it past her shoulders! So much for plannning ahead! I learned my lesson and now pretty much only buy for the present :)
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