I first stumbled upon Nelle's while browsing etsy a couple of weeks ago. This sweet dress made my heart flutter...

And you know what???? The items in this sweet etsy shop are affordable! So important these days!
So what do you say we get to know the designer behind Nelle's a little better? Here we go!
Name: Ellen
Age: 33
Location: Hebron, Maine
Etsy Shop Nelle's &
Facebook Fan Page

I started in January of 2010. It quickly became my passion. I love fabric and I love creating new things!

In 2009 I was introduced to the world of custom clothing. I kept saying to myself, “Hey, I could make that.” My husband and kids gave me a Serger for Christmas that year…I was beyond thrilled! I started sewing dresses, skirts, and peasant tops for my daughters…and it wasn’t long before I decided to start selling my creations on a clothing board. About a month later, I opened my store on Etsy.

When I decided to open my Etsy store, I called my Mom and asked some friends to get some advice on a name. I wanted it to have meaning…and be able to encompass more than just kids clothing. So we started to brainstorm – and then my Mom said, what about your nickname? Aha! My sister started calling me Nelle (only pronounced Nell-a) in college. So…yes…in case you haven’t already figured it out, it is my name spelled backwards. I know, silly, right?! But I love it just the same – silliness is part of our everyday life, so it's fitting!

Ohhhh….all of these wonderful, imaginative ladies with your wonderful, imaginative blogs! I am also inspired by fabric, and my girls…so many of my ideas are a result of their personalities. When my youngest daughter puts on one of my dresses she immediately says, “Mom, watch me spin!”

I have 3 kids, ages 9, 6 and 3.

Carefree, comfortable, fun…

Sew! Oh wait! I mean, I love thrift shopping, going to rummage sales, and I love to watch movies, and have a pretty long list of TV series I’m addicted to – my absolute favorites are Grey’s Anatomy and Dexter.

Lots of milk! We go through about 3 gallons in a week!
{ahh, a girl after my own heart!}

To Enter:
1. Visit Nelle's and come back and tell me your favorite item (1 entry).
For Additional Entries:
2. Add Nelle's to your favorites on etsy (1 entry).
3. Like Nelle's page on facebook
(1 entry).
4. Become a follower of this blog or tell me you already are! (1 entry).
5. Blog or facebook about this giveaway, leaving the link in the comments (1 entry).
Please leave separate comments for each entry (5 total entries possible).
Contest runs until Tuesday,
January 25, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
Winner will be chosen randomly and announced Wednesday, January 26th.
THANK YOU ELLEN for sponsoring this fun giveaway! Someone is going to be very happy next week!!!
Don't wait! Go check out Nelle's!
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»I am already a follower here!
Added her shop to my favorites on etsy!
LOVE the sweet spring apron dress with the gingham!
Became a fan on facebook!
What a cute shop Fav. item is the pin strip ruffle denim Justa tad to small LOL or i would have bought :)
Added her etsy shop as a fav Cute cute
blog follower
Face book like :)
I am a big fan, love all the dresses
my fav is the Holly Hobbie Apron Knot Dress.
facebook liked!
blog follower, love your blog :)
Wow! What a great etsy shop!!You are right the prices are great as well...I love the Holly Hobbie dress and the roses skirt and top.
I made a favorite on Etsy!
I liked on facebook!
I am already a follower here...I LOVE your great blog! Thanks for the great giveaways you have had this week!!
My favorite is the Sweet Spring Collection Knot Dress or the sweet plain white ruffles I love it all!
Nelle's is a favorite on Etsy :)
I'm a follower of the blog!
I posted the give away on Facebook. I'm not sure how to give a link to it because my profile is private. Ellen is a friend of mine so I'm sure she saw it LOL
I was already a "fan" on Facebook! I <3 Nelle's!
I like Nelle's on Facebook! ( I already did though ) Ellen is the sweetest lady :O) love her work!
I shared it on my FB wall! :O)
I absolutely love the ruffles and the matching tops!!!
I can't decide between the Sweet Spring knot dress and the Hello Roses embellished tee and skirt set. They are both soooo cute!!!
I love the Hobby nobbie knot dress and ruffles! Beautiful!
I added myself as a follower to this blog!
I liked Nelle's on Etsy!
I liked Nelle's Facebook page too!
I really like her work, and it isn't so expensive that ppl can't afford it! Awesome!
I'm now a follower here! :)
I'm already a FB fan of Ellen/Nelle's!
I LOVE her work! My new fav is the gingham strawberry dress - I'm so ready for spring! ;)
Already a fan of Nelle's on facebook, but new here. I adore the Sweet Spring knot dress with gingham - would be perfect for easter!
I love the Sweet Spring Knot Dress! So adorable! XO Jill
Added her shop to my Etsy faves!
I'm a follower already!
I "liked" her FB page too! XO
I just love the the Holly Hobbie dress suelee1998 @ gmail.com
I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @ gmail.com
I like the Whoo Loves You Apron Knot Top.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Added to favorites on etsy!!
dd1027 at comcast dot net
LOVE the Whoo loves You apron knot top and the Whoo Loves You ruffle pants!!
dd1027 at comcast dot net
Follower of the Little Pumpmkin!!
"liked" Nelle*s on FB!!
dd1027 at comcast dot net
posted it on my FB page!!
dd1027 at comcast dot net
love the throwback to Hollie Hobbie :)
i added her shop to my list of faves on etsy
I love the Owl print skirt on her Etsy site. ♥
Liked Nelle's on Facebook.
I like her on facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
little pumpkin grace: Nelle's {giveaway!}
I posted this on my Facebook page. Not sure if this is how you wanted me to link it though..
i became a follower of your blog, thought I already was. LOVE your blog, and LOVE the giveaways!
I blogged about your giveaway here:
My goal is to do a better job with my blog this year. I plan for it to become my family's "scrapbook" :)
I am now a follower of little pumpkin grace page too.
The Sweet Spring Collection Knot Dress is my favourite.
I added Nelle's to my etsy faves
I am already a follower of you!
I like Nelle's on Facebook!
I love everything in this etsy shop. My favorite is the sweet spring knot dress.
I liked the page on facebook.
I added Nelle's as a favorite etsy shop.
I am already a follower!!!!
I love the Hollie Hobby Knot Apron Dress. Adorable!
I follow your blog because I love your cute projects, your adorable kids, and your obvious love for them.
I love the Whoo Loves You knot dress top!
Already a follower here.
added her shop to my favs.
I'm a follower! Love your blog!
I'm in love with the Holly Hobbie apron knot dress!
I'm a fan on facebook!
love the simpliest peasant dress!
p.s. stop by an enter wednesdays giveaway its for boys! thecoolkidsblog.com
added nelles as a fav in etsy.
I love the Spring Street Knot Collection Dress :)
Nelle's is already a favorite on Etsy.
I "like" Nelle's on Facebook.
I just became a follower of your blog :)
I posted on my FB page :) I don't know how to leave the link here though.
I am a follower of your wonderful blog.
I think I would pick the Whoo Loves You Apron Knot Top , how cute!
I habe Nelle's added to favorites!
I'm loving the Hello Roses Embellished Tee and Skirt Set! Those colors are so "springy"!
I added Nelle's Clothing to my Etsy fav sites!
I also added her as a favorite on FB. THANKS!!!!
I am lovin' the sweet spring knot dress.
I follow your blog. :)
I added Nelle's to my etsy favorites.
adorable clothing! my favorite has to be the who loves you heart patch ruffle pants so cute!!
added Nelle's to my favorites on etsy!
marybethtoles- etsy username
i liked nelle's on facebook!
I love your blog and am a longtime follower!
shared the link of facebook!
Nelle's clothing is absolutley darling! I'm especially in love with the Sweet Spring Collection Knot Dress
I am a follower here.
My favorite is the Holly Hobby knot dress. I got a Holly Hobby doll for my first birthday... 35 years ago... Super sweet designs!
Became a Nelle's Facebook Fan.
Vintage knot dress of course!
Fan on Facebook!!
On my FAVORITES on Etsy!!
Shared this on my Facebook!! :)
Added this blog to my following!! :)
Love, Love, Love Ellen's Creations!
I added Nelle's to my favorites on Etsy too!
My favorite outfit is the Sweet Spring Knot Dress! I also Liked her on FB too!
I have know become a follower of your blog too! :-)
Promoted your blog and the giveaway on my FB page ConnectedBaby Winnipeg! What an awesome blog! Love the giveaways! I would love to win an Ellen Custom creation!!
I am a follower! ;)
I Love the Blooms Tee and Skirt set!!! :)
I love the Holly Hobbie Apron Knot Dress, so cute!
I'm a follower!
i follow you!!!
I added her on facebook
I LOVE the knot dress in the spring colors!!! YES YES YES!!! LUCKY ME! I WILL WIN!!
Wow, CUTE stuff! So affordable too, for sure. I added Nelles Clothing to my ETSY favorites!
I am a follower of your blog...have been for over a year now:)
My favorite is the Whooo Loves You apron Knot Top...super sweetness!
I "liked" Nelle's Clothing on Facebook!
Just shared this with all of my Facebook Friends. Not too sure how to link it up though?
I am a follower of this blog! :)
I added Nelle's to my Favorites on Etsy! :)
I "liked" Nelle's on Facebook! :)
I love the sweet pastel floral knot dress! :)
#1 I love love love the knot dress from the Sweet Spring Collection! ADORABLE!
#2 I added Nellesclothing to my favorites on Etsy! (toryanne)
#3 I *liked* Nelle*s facebook page!
#4 I am now a followers of your awesome blog!
#5 I blogged about this amazingly sweet giveaway!
Check it out here!
my favorite is the simplest peasant dress! adorable
I liked nelle's on facebook
I'm already a follower or little pumpkin grace!
I added Nelle's to my favorites on Etsy!
My favortie item from Nelle's shop is the sweet spring knot dress. I love knot dresses!
I am already a follower of your blog (check it every day!). You have the cutest posts.
I am a fan of Nelle*s on Facebook!
I love the sweet embroidered pillowcase apron dress but I am pretty sure it will be in Miss G closet :) Love the sweet line knot dresses too
Liked her FB page.
Liked her etsy page.
Of course I follow your blog :)
I like the Simplest Collection Peasant Dress~ SO Cute
I follow this Blog on GFC as bukaeyes
I like Nelle's Facebook Page (Betsy Hoff)
I signed up to follow your blog and I am excited to check out all your parties on here!!!
I LOVE all the beautiful things in NElle*s shop but think the Holly Hobbie Apron Knot Dress is my favorite that is in there now.
like on facebook.
Also added to favorites on Etsy:)
I already follow Nelle's on FB.
I LOVE the Holly Hobbie Dress.
She is already a fav seller on my ETSY account. I <3 Nelle's clothes.
Posted on FB about the giveaway.
Added her shop to my favorites
love the sweet spring dress!! (they are all so cute though!!)
following this blog
became a fan on facebook
already follow your blog
Added her shop to my favs
Love the holly hobby knot dress
facebook fan of her page
http://sweetelle-sweetelleandallthegoodstuff.blogspot.com/ posted to my blog
My FAVorite is the Holly Hobbie Apron Dress.
I added Nelle's to my favorites on Etsy!
I am now a new follower of your blog and love it :)
posted about Nelle's on my facebook
Love the Whoo Loves You Twirl Skirt - Valentines Collection - Nelles!
The simple collections pheasant dress is my favorite!
The simple collections pheasant dress is my favorite!
The simple collections pheasant dress is my favorite!
Whoo Loves You Twirl Skirt - Valentines Collection is my favorite!
I am already a follower here!
Added her shop to my favorites on etsy!
Hello Roses Embellished Tee and Skirt Set
FAVE item in her shop, just adore!
new fb fan of hers!!!
follow your fab blog!
Fave item: the Hello Roses skirt & tee set.
Added her shop to my etsy faves.
Already a follower of your awesome blog.
I love your blog and I'm a follower!
I am now a facebook fan!
I don't think I could pick a favorite. I love the ruffel pants, the tie, and any knot dress! It's all cute!
Like on etsy too! :)
I like the Purses...Made to Match your Nelles Outfit
lusizova at gmail.com
Like Nelle's page on facebook = Lyudmila Sizova
lusizova at gmail.com
Follow via gfc=Lyudmila
lusizova at gmail.com
i love this dress!
I like the Sweet Knot dress from her Etsy store!!
Comment #1: I love love love the knot dress from the Sweet Spring Collection!
I added Nellesclothing to my favorites!
Yup you're right I *liked* Nelle*s Clothing on facebook!
Of course I'm following Little Pumpkin Grace!
I blogged about this sweet sweet contest!
I added Nelle's to my favorites on Etsy...
I Facebooked about Nelle's....
I "liked" Nelle's page of FB...
I am a follower of your blog!
My absolute favorite is the Holly Hobbie knot dress!
I have added Nelle's to my Etsy faves!
I now "like" Nelle's facebook page!
I am definately a faithful follower to this blog!
My favorite is the simplest peasant dress!
i follow your blog!
I LOVE that Simplest Collection Peasant Dress. I'd love to have it for my daughter, and I could pass it on to her little sister next!
I follow your blog!!
AND I just added Nelle's to my etsy faves!
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