So here's my question...I'm almost embarassed to ask it because it sounds so very dumb (**blushes**), but how exactly do you pinch the fabric in the hoop? And while we're at it...is it different if you want to use the fabric for decorative purposes than if you're actually pinching it in place to embroider it?
I actually stood in the Hobby Lobby aisle for what seems like forever, hoop in hand, trying to figure it out but just couldn't make it work and I was too embarassed to ask the not-so-friendly clerk for help.
Sure would make it easier to finish off my project if I could figure this little bit. :)
Thanks for helping!
CUTE! Lay the fabric over the smaller hoop. Then loosen the screw on the slightly larger hoop and put it over the smaller hoop catching the fabric between. Then just tighten the screw up! You can use sharp scissors to trim the fabric super close to the edge of the hoop!
HAPPY crafting!
Well, I've never done this for decorative purposes but having done it for embroidery I could take a stab at it. Make sure your fabric is larger than the hoop a few inches so you can gently pull it once it's in the hoop. The larger the piece of fabric, the easier it will be. I would starch it and iron it a few times to make it crisp.
To get a nice smooth finish you'll first need to get your large hoop the right size. Lay the fabric over the smaller hoop. Loosen up the larger hoop and slip it over the fabric. Tighten the larger hoop up. Then take the larger hoop off but don't mess with the screw (if you can't get it off, it's too tight).
Then you can put it together for real. Lay the small hoop on a table. Straighten the fabric over it then slip the tight large hoop over. Use the extra fabric hanging out to gently pull and wiggle the material in place and make it straight. Then tighten the large hoop screw as tight as you can.
Then I would cut off the extra fabric in the back. If the fabric is thin I would use some thin white material (like an old sheet) and put it behind your pretty fabric and then sandwich them together in the hoops.
Hope this helps-love your fabric choices!
Love the Three Little Pig fabric! I was just looking at it the other day since I lucked out and found the cute Three Little Pigs embroidery transfer pattern...yea! I am also thinking of using some of these in Reese's room re-do maybe even a one or two with a hand embroidery in them and can't wait to see all the tips (wish I had some for you)
Thank you ladies for all the help - off to try...wish me luck!
Jenn~ You make it sound so easy...now I really feel like a big goof, LOL! I literally stood there at HL dumbfounded for a good 15 minutes pulling at the thing trying to figure out where the clips where to hold it all in place! Silly me!
Em~ I LOVE, LOVE your blog!!! Such cuteness and fun ideas!!! I'm adding it to my faves :)
Amber~ That would be so cute! I have that transfer pattern and it's so adorable! I wish I didn't just have a collection of transfer patterns - I wish I actually knew how to embroider them! Need to give it a go soon!
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