Yesterday was one of those
"first" days for the little pumpkin, so of course we had to document - a day late, but better late than never, right?
Notice anything in this picture?

Here, take a closer look.

Yup, she got a
"big bad bruise" {her own words}. According to her teachers a couple of kids were playing around the slides and fell into a big pile. When they went to get up one of the other little girls accidentally wonked Grace on her eye/cheek and scratched her trying to get up.
I asked her if it hurt and this is what she said,
"I went AAAAAAAAAAHHHH." Yes ma'am I believe you 100%. This little pumpkin of mine is part drama queen :)

Then gave me a replay in case I didn't believe her the first time...about blew my eardrums out.

What made matters worse was that when I got home, hands full trying to get everything out of the car in one trip, I swung the door open
HARD and it just so happened that Grace was walking behind the door at that very moment so
WHAM! another "big bad bruise", this time to her eyebrow bone - hence the swollen eyelid in the 2nd pic.
Two shiners in one day. Yikes! I felt horrible even though it was just one of those things that just happens.
Now, onto a happier "first". Today the little pumpkin got her very own
library card!!! 
We love to read in this family so this was a big deal! Here she is listening attentively as the sweet librarian told her she could now check out books with her very own card.

She wasn't excited or anything. ;)

And one more thing...if you are the mama of a little girl, don't you think you could use a
sWeeT & fUNky little denim jacket like the one Grace is wearing??? Of course you do! My uber talented photographer-designer-decorator friend
Jenn has some adorable things for sale in her etsy shop. Best part? All the funds from her etsy sales go toward bringing home
her sweet baby from Ethiopia. Check out all the fun goodies
Poor baby!!! Mama hurts as bad when that happens too. Love your blog.
I am so proud of how much Grace enjoys reading! I know it has been passed down in the genes... for several generations. Yeah!!!!
I'm pretty sure that our special weekly trips to the library since she was about 7 or 8 months old have also influenced her love of books. Hurray for a young mind opened to the multiple and marvelous adventures available through reading! May every child have a mentor who cares enough to expose him/her to the wonderful world of reading.
Love, Noonie
She is still the cutest thing in the whole world (even with a shiner!!) I have some pics I did of Julia at that age...I did a whole session around the gigantic scratch she got on her eye at the swimming pool...gotta document those crazy toddler moments!!
THANKS for the shout out! Of course Grace makes EVERYTHING look adorable!!! I LOVE seeing her in her made my night!
Kris~ I LOVE the tag line on your blog header!! I'm putting that on our fridge as we speak!
Mom~ THANK YOU for being Grace's reading buddy :) You are the reason she loves the library so much!!
Jenn~ I big puffy heart love that jacket!! It goes with pretty much everything in Grace's closet and it's such a fun little piece! A while back I bought some pink cowboy boots at Target on sale...can't wait till they fit the little pumpkin so I can get some pics of her in her jacket, pettiskirt, and boots :)
I have a drama queen here too! She looks like she's taking the bruises in stride! She's a cutie!
Andrea @
Hey Jessica,
you won the pink fabric but I don't have an email contact for you! Email me with where to send your goodies to!
Yay! Super excited!!! Sending you my info now... :) Thanks so much, Taylor!
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