
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


...has nothing on these two littles! he he he! Thank you Mimi & Pop for the super fun halloween treats! And because I just love school crafts (and halloween clothes too!) fun is this Jack 'O Lantern!
Wish I would have taken the pic outside instead of on our breakfast table so you could see it "glowing". Just an empty water bottle, filled with apple juice and metallic confetti and decorated with foam board eyes, nose, mouth, and stem...makes for a super fun "snow globe" pumpkin!!!
(Thank you Mrs. Bryan for hot glueing the cap shut...a certain curious little boy LOVES this pumpkin!)

The official countdown has begun...
4 days!


Amber said...

Hehe :) Looks like they enjoyed there gifts! Love the pumpkin's of my favorite Halloween fabrics! Hopefully I can get/make something for Reese out of it one day.

Jessica said...

That fabric is my favorite halloween fabric EVER!!! :)